
单词 音高
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English horn〕A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.英国管:一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度美国传统〔absolute pitch〕The precise pitch of an isolated tone, as established by its rate of vibration measured on a standard scale.绝对音高:一单独音的确切音高,由可按标准尺度测定的振动频率来决定美国传统〔alto clef〕The C clef positioned to indicate that the third line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of middle C.中音谱表:中音谱号C,其位置表示为五线谱底部起第三条线,代表中音C的音高标准美国传统〔a〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.发A调的乐器:调至A调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔binaural〕Of or relating to sound transmission from two sources, which may vary acoustically, as in tone or pitch, to give a stereophonic effect.两路立体声的:从两个声源传来,可能有听觉上的不同(如在音调和音高上),可产生立体声效果的或与之相关的美国传统〔b〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.B调乐器:调至B调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔clef〕A symbol indicating the pitch represented by one line of a staff, in relation to which the other pitches of the staff can be determined.谱号:一个标明五线谱一行所代表的音高,由此五线谱的其它音高标准可以确定美国传统〔crack〕To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.嗓音发劈:由于声音嘶哑或情绪激动而造成的音高或音质的突变。用于指嗓音美国传统〔c〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.发C调的乐器:调至A调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔diapason〕A standard indication of pitch.音高的标准指示美国传统〔double〕Music To duplicate (another part or voice) an octave higher or lower or in unison.【音乐】 音高重复:在高或低八度上或同一音高上重复美国传统〔d〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.D调乐器:调至D调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔effeminate〕He had a high and somewhat effeminate voice.他的嗓音高并带点娘娘腔。韦氏高阶〔enharmonic〕Of, relating to, or involving tones that are identical in pitch but are written differently according to the key in which they occur.等音的:在音高上一致但按其所在主调的出现而写法不同的音调的美国传统〔e〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.发E调的乐器:调至E调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔finger hole〕Music Any of the holes on a wind instrument that cause a change in pitch when covered by a finger.【音乐】 乐器的指孔:管乐器上随着手指的启闭而能改变音高的一孔美国传统〔flatly〕Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.至少可以说,她的音域不够宽,而且令人不舒服的是,她总是音高偏低。柯林斯高阶〔flat〕Being below the correct pitch.比正确音高低的美国传统〔f〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.发F调的乐器:调至F调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔g〕A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.发G调的乐器:调至G调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器美国传统〔heckelphone〕A woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a pitch between that of an English horn and a bassoon.黑克尔管:属于双簧管家族的一种木制管乐器,其音高位于英国号和巴松管之间美国传统〔inflection〕Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.音调的调整:在音调和音高上的变化美国传统〔inflect〕To alter (the voice) in tone or pitch; modulate.变音:在音高和音调上变化;转调美国传统〔interval〕Music The difference in pitch between two tones.【音乐】 音程:两个音调之间音高的区别美国传统〔intonation〕A manner of producing or uttering tones, especially with regard to accuracy of pitch.吟咏:产生或发出音调的方式,特指注意音高准确性的发音方式美国传统〔key up〕He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准。21世纪英汉〔key〕The pitch of a voice or other sound.声高:嗓音或其他声音的音高美国传统〔lower〕I can sing it if you lower it about a major third.如果你降三个音高的话, 我就能唱这首歌了。外研社新世纪〔modulate〕To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of (one's voice or a musical instrument, for example).调整,改变音量:改变或变换如嗓音或音乐装置的音高,强度,或音调美国传统〔modulation〕A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音:在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调美国传统〔note〕A tone of definite pitch.音高:有一定音高的音美国传统〔octave〕A tone that is eight full tones above or below another given tone.八度音:一个正好比已知音高八度或低八度的音美国传统〔octave〕An organ stop that produces tones an octave above those usually produced by the keys played.八度音栓:风琴上能发出高于这一主音正常音高八度的音栓美国传统〔ostinato〕A short melody or phrase that is constantly repeated, usually the same part at the same pitch.固定音型:不断重复的短旋律或短句,通常在同一音高的同一部位美国传统〔pitch〕A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher.基本的韵律感和音高感是音乐教师的必备素质。牛津高阶〔pitch〕He noticed the change of pitch in the sound of the engine.他注意到发动机声音高低的变化。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕Her voice fell in pitch as she grew older.她的音高随年龄的增长而下降。牛津搭配〔pitch〕Her voice has a high pitch.她的嗓音高韦氏高阶〔pitch〕Many actors have been trained to lower the pitch of their voice.许多演员都受过降低音高的训练。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕Music Any of various standards for this quality associating each tone with a particular frequency.【音乐】 音调:一种音高标准,将每一音调与其特定的频率相连美国传统〔pitch〕Music The relative position of a tone within a range of musical sounds, as determined by this quality.【音乐】 音高:在一定音乐声中,某一音调相应的位置,由音高决定美国传统〔pitch〕The instrument is not tuned to the correct pitch.乐器的音高没有调准。牛津搭配〔pitch〕Ultrasonic waves are at a higher pitch than the human ear can hear.超声波的音高超出了人耳可以听见的范围。朗文当代〔relative pitch〕The ability to recognize or produce a tone by mentally establishing a relationship between its pitch and that of a recently heard tone.相对音高辨认力:用在头脑中树立音调的音高和刚刚听过的音调的高音之间的关系来辨认或演奏音调的能力美国传统〔relative pitch〕The pitch of a tone as determined by its position in a scale.相对音高:由其音阶上的位置所决定的音调的音高美国传统〔scale〕Music An ascending or descending series of tones proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals and varying in pitch arrangement and interval size.【音乐】 音阶的升降:按一定间隔规律、音高变化和间隔大小形成的音调升降序列美国传统〔skirl〕To produce a high, shrill, wailing tone. Used of bagpipes.(风笛)发尖锐声:产生一种音高的、尖利的、哀怨的音调。用于风笛美国传统〔soprano clef〕The C clef positioned to indicate that the bottom line of a staff represents the pitch of middle C.高音谱号:放置用以表示五线谱中的底线代表中央C音音高的C谱号美国传统〔tenor〕He has a high, lilting tenor.他是个声音高昂,节奏感强的男高音。韦氏高阶〔tie〕Music A curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch, indicating that the tone is to be sustained for their combined duration.【音乐】 (音乐)连接线:同样音高的两个音符之上或之下的一条曲线,表示这个音调要拖长到它们共有的长度美国传统〔timbre〕The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.音质:使声音与其它音高及音量相同的声音相区别的性质美国传统〔tone language〕A language that distinguishes meanings among words of similar form by variations in pitch and tone.声调语言:通过声音高低和音调的不同区别形式相同的词的意思的语言美国传统〔tone-deaf〕Unable to distinguish differences in musical pitch.不善于辨别音高的:不能或不善于辨别音乐声调高低不同的美国传统〔tone〕The pitch of a word used to determine its meaning or to distinguish differences in meaning.声调:决定某个词的意思或区分词义的词的发音高美国传统〔tonometer〕Music An instrument, such as a graduated set of tuning forks, used to determine the pitch or vibration rate of tones.【音乐】 音调计:用来固定声音高度或振幅的仪器,例如一对渐开音叉美国传统〔tuba〕A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch.低音大号音栓:风琴里的簧管音栓,有八个音高美国传统〔tune〕Correct pitch.准确的音高美国传统〔tune〕He tuned the strings of the guitar to concert pitch.他把吉他的弦定到协奏曲的音高英汉大词典〔tune〕Music To adjust an instrument to a desired pitch or key.【音乐】 调弦,调音:给乐器调音以达到所期望的音高或音调美国传统〔tuning fork〕A small two-pronged metal device that when struck produces a sound of fixed pitch that is used as a reference, as in tuning musical instruments.音叉:一种有两个叉头的金属器具,敲击后发出持续的固定音,可用于乐器调音和确定标准音高美国传统〔unison〕Identity of pitch; the interval of a perfect prime.同度;同音:音高一致;完全同度的间隔美国传统〔unison〕The combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves.同唱,同奏:在相同音高或在八音度内声部的结合美国传统An everyday example of the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the pitch of an alarm bell as you drive past it.一个多普勒效应的生活实例便是,当你的汽车驶过时,警铃声的音高有明显的变化。剑桥国际She had a shrill high-pitched voice that quickly became irritating.她的声音高得刺耳,很快让人感到不适。剑桥国际The light was changing colour kaleidoscopically with the different pitch of the musical sounds, bright reds and yellows in the high register, deep purple in the low.灯光随着乐声的高低不同而千变万化,音高时是明亮的红色和黄色,音低时是深紫色。剑桥国际

