
单词 的原型
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIRST〕Pilots have begun testing a prototype of the new aircraft. 飞行员已经开始试飞这种新式飞机的原型了。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕The prototype of this particular computer was developed by an American in 1975. 这种电脑的原型是由一位美国人于1975年研制的。朗文写作活用〔ancestor〕Babbage's invention was the ancestor of the modern computer.巴比奇的发明是现代计算机的原型朗文当代〔ancestor〕The ancestor of the modern bicycle was called a penny-farthing.现代自行车的原型称作 penny-farthing (一种前轮大后轮小的自行车)。牛津高阶〔archetype〕That old engine is the archetype of modern locomotives.那台老式发动机是近代机车的原型英汉大词典〔immortalize〕Dickens' father was immortalized as Mr Micawber in 'David Copperfield'.狄更斯的父亲作为米考伯先生的原型出现在《大卫‧科波菲尔》中,从而名留千古。朗文当代〔inspiration〕He says my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.他说我姐姐是他的女主人公的原型牛津高阶〔inspiration〕He was the inspiration for Wordsworth's poem 'The Old Huntsman'.他是华兹华斯的诗《老猎人》的原型朗文当代〔prototype〕They created an early prototype using this software.他们使用这款软件创造了一个早期的原型牛津搭配〔prototypical〕They designed prototypical schools that could ensure students would meet state standards, then calculated the costs of those schools.他们先设计了学校的原型,保证教出来的学生能符合政府要求,然后计算这些学校的成本。剑桥高阶〔triangular〕One particular triangular relationship became the model of Simone's first novel.一段特殊的三角关系成了西蒙娜第一本小说的原型柯林斯高阶A prototype of the system was unveiled at an agricultural-engineering conference in Paris last month.这个系统的原型上个月在巴黎的一个农业机械会议上第一次亮相。剑桥国际In Jungian theory, there are certain archetypes of human personality.根据荣格的理论,有几种人类性格的原型剑桥国际Oedipus Rex is considered as the archetype of tragedy in Western literature. 在西方文学中,「伊迪帕斯王」被认为是悲戏的原型译典通The abacus is the ancestor of the modern computer. 算盘是现代电脑的原型译典通The robot, initially designed to help draw detailed maps of the ocean floor, may serve as a prototype for mining and construction vehicles.这个最初设计为绘制海底详细地图的机器人可能被作为采矿和建筑工具的原型剑桥国际

