
单词 玷污
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REPUTATION〕He was the type of person that gives insurance salesmen a bad name. 他是那种玷污保险公司推销员名誉的人。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Students who are rude and scruffy give the school a bad name. 粗鲁邋遢的学生会玷污学校的名声。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕His prosecution perhaps heralds an end to the systematic corruption that has stained this government's reputation. 他这次被起诉也许预示着,玷污政府名声的体制腐败走到尽头了。朗文写作活用〔black eye〕A dishonored reputation; a bad name.坏名声:被玷污的名声;恶名美国传统〔blacken〕He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character.他指控他蓄意散布虚假信息以玷污我的人格。柯林斯高阶〔blacken〕He deliberately spread lies in an effort to blacken my character.为了玷污我的人格, 他蓄意散布谎言。外研社新世纪〔blacken〕They blackened their opponent's good name.他们玷污了他们对手的好名声。21世纪英汉〔blasphemy〕A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.亵渎:亵污或玷污上帝或神明的行为、言辞或文字美国传统〔blemished〕She hoped the book would restore her blemished reputation.她希望这本书能恢复她受玷污的名声。外研社新世纪〔blemish〕He didn't want to blemish that pristine record.他不想玷污那清白的历史。外研社新世纪〔blemish〕He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.他本不想去玷污那清白的过去。柯林斯高阶〔blemish〕To mar or impair by a flaw.玷污,有损:因瑕疵而损坏或破坏美国传统〔blot〕By marrying a former servant, James was held to have blotted the family's honour.詹姆斯跟一个前佣人结婚, 被认为玷污了家族荣誉。外研社新世纪〔blot〕To bring moral disgrace to.玷污,污名:使人蒙受道德上的耻辱美国传统〔blot〕To spot or stain, as with a discoloring substance.玷污,弄脏:因某种褪色物质弄脏、染污美国传统〔blur〕His reputation was blurred.他的名誉被玷污了。英汉大词典〔blur〕To smear or stain; smudge.弄脏,涂污;玷污美国传统〔breathe on〕His name has been breathed upon.他的名声被玷污了。21世纪英汉〔character assassination〕A vicious personal verbal attack, especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation.诽谤:恶意的人身言语攻击,尤指意在破坏或玷污某位公众人物声誉的诽谤美国传统〔cleanse〕To free from dirt, defilement, or guilt; purge or clean.使清洁,清洗:使免除灰尘、玷污或罪责;洗净或清除美国传统〔cloud〕Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.丑闻玷污了官员的声望美国传统〔contaminate〕He claims the poster ads have 'contaminated Berlin's streets'.他声称那些招贴广告“玷污了柏林的街道”。朗文当代〔contaminate〕The election process has been contaminated by corruption.腐败玷污了选举过程。韦氏高阶〔corrupt〕To taint; contaminate.使有缺点;玷污美国传统〔cynical〕Democrats said it was a cynical attempt to smear the President's reputation.民主党认为玷污总统的名誉是一种损人利己的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔defile〕I felt defiled by the filth.我觉得这些脏话玷污了我。牛津同义词〔defile〕Many victims of burglary feel their homes have been defiled.许多家门被撬的人都感到自己的家被玷污了。牛津高阶〔defile〕She thinks slang defiles the language.她认为俚语玷污了这种语言。韦氏高阶〔defile〕To violate the chastity of.玷污…的贞节美国传统〔defile〕Vandals defiled the holy shrine.肆意破坏文物者玷污了这座圣殿。韦氏高阶〔desecrate〕It's a crime to desecrate the country's flag.玷污国旗是犯罪。21世纪英汉〔desecrate〕To violate the sacredness of; profane.亵渎:亵渎神圣;玷污美国传统〔dirtied〕He never dirtied his hands with political intrigue.他从不参与政治阴谋玷污自己。21世纪英汉〔dirtied〕The sexual scandals dirtied the president.性丑闻玷污了总统的声誉。21世纪英汉〔dirty〕She, too, would be dirtied up by scandal.丑闻同样会玷污她的名声。英汉大词典〔dirty〕To stain or tarnish with dishonor.使名声受玷污美国传统〔discolo(u)r〕These materials will not discolo(u)r or stain if given reasonable care.这些材料如使用得当是不会变色或玷污的。英汉大词典〔discolor〕To alter or spoil the color of; stain.使变色,使褪色;玷污美国传统〔disgrace〕He had disgraced the family name.他玷污了家族的名声。牛津高阶〔disgrace〕I have disgraced my family's name.我玷污了家族的名声。外研社新世纪〔dishonour〕He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.他玷污了这身军服,不配当一名海军陆战队士兵。朗文当代〔ensanguine〕To cover or stain with or as if with blood.用或仿佛是用血覆盖或玷污美国传统〔file〕To make sullied or corrupt; defile.弄脏或玷污;弄脏美国传统〔flyblown〕Contaminated with flyblows.有蝇卵的,生蛆的:被蝇卵弄脏或玷污美国传统〔flyblow〕To contaminate; taint.损坏;玷污美国传统〔foul〕The scandal fouled her reputation.流言蜚语玷污了她的名声。21世纪英汉〔foul〕To bring into dishonor; besmirch.玷污;败坏美国传统〔gaum〕To smudge or smear.弄脏:玷污,弄得模湖不清美国传统〔hand〕He never dirtied his hands with political intrigue.他从不参与政治阴谋玷污自己。英汉大词典〔imbrue〕He refused to imbrue his hands with the blood of more killing.他拒绝杀更多人以血玷污双手。21世纪英汉〔imbrue〕To stain.玷污美国传统〔imbue〕To stain or dye deeply.玷污或深深浸染美国传统〔impurity〕Contamination or pollution.玷污或污染美国传统〔incorrupt〕Free of corruption or immorality.廉洁的:未被玷污的或品行端正的美国传统〔maculate〕Stained; impure.玷污的;不纯的美国传统〔maculate〕To spot, blemish, or pollute.使有斑点、玷污或污染美国传统〔maculation〕The act of spotting or staining or the condition of being spotted or stained.斑点,污点:染上斑点或玷污的过程或被染上斑点或被玷污后的状态美国传统〔mire〕My name had been dragged through the mire(= my reputation was ruined).我的名声受到了玷污牛津高阶〔muck〕Your behaviour is causing our reputation to be dragged through the muck.你的行为在玷污我们的名声。英汉大词典〔profane〕Their behaviours profaned the holy place.他们的行为玷污了这处圣地。21世纪英汉〔profane〕To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.滥用,玷污:不正当、可耻或卑鄙地使用;滥用美国传统〔profess〕He is dishonoured by a man who ever professed to him.他的荣誉被一个表示友好的人玷污了。21世纪英汉〔purge〕To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement.使洗雪:使脱离罪恶、错误或玷污美国传统〔purify〕To free from sin, guilt, or other defilement.给…赎罪,使纯洁:从罪恶、过失或其它玷污中解脱美国传统〔purify〕To rid of impurities; cleanse.使纯净,净化:除去玷污物;清洗美国传统〔reputation〕It seems that nothing can tarnish his reputation.看来没有什么能够玷污他的名誉。牛津搭配〔shame〕I don't want to bring shame on the family name.我不想玷污家族的名声。柯林斯高阶〔shame〕She had shamed her family name (=done something that made her family lose honour) .她使自己家族的名声受到了玷污朗文当代〔smear〕The papers smeared his reputation.报纸玷污了他的名声。牛津同义词〔smear〕The story was an attempt to smear the party leader.这篇报道是企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。牛津高阶〔soiled〕He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him.他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。柯林斯高阶〔soil〕Keep your money – I wouldn't soil my hands with it.把你的钱留着吧,我可不愿意被它玷污了双手。朗文当代〔soil〕To become dirty, stained, or tarnished.变脏、受污染或玷污美国传统〔speck〕By such behaviour he's specked the honour of his family.他的行为玷污了他祖上的名声。21世纪英汉〔splash〕To scatter fluid onto in flying masses; wet, stain, or soil with flying fluid.泼污:以飞溅的物质散布液体;以飞溅的液体弄湿、玷污或弄脏美国传统〔stain〕To bring into disrepute; taint or tarnish.玷污:败坏;污染或使失去光泽美国传统〔sulliable〕You sullied the honour of your family.你的举止玷污了你们家族的荣誉。21世纪英汉〔sully〕To defile; taint.玷污:使名誉受损;腐蚀美国传统〔taint〕Greed tainted his mind.贪婪玷污了他的心灵。英汉大词典〔tarnish〕The affair could tarnish the reputation of the prime minister.这段婚外情可能会玷污首相的名声。外研社新世纪〔tarnish〕The condition of being sullied or tainted.玷污:被中伤或玷污的状况美国传统〔tarnish〕To diminish or become tainted.减小,受到玷污美国传统〔undefiled〕She is undefiled by any contact with him.她没有因与他接触而受到玷污外研社新世纪〔unhallow〕To violate the holiness of; profane or desecrate.亵渎:妨碍罗马教皇陛下;玷污或亵渎美国传统〔violate〕To do harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); desecrate or defile.亵渎:伤害(认为神圣的特性或品质);亵渎或玷污美国传统〔virginal〕Untouched or unsullied; fresh.未被触碰的或未被玷污的;新鲜的美国传统〔virginity〕The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched.纯洁:未被玷污或未被碰触的状态美国传统〔white〕The sport's lily-white reputation has been stained by the affair.这项运动清白的名声被这一事件玷污了。麦克米伦高阶His crimes stained the family honor. 他的罪行玷污了家庭的名誉。译典通His reputation, he said, had been unfairly sullied by allegations, half-truths and innuendos.他说他的名誉已被流言蜚语、半真半假的报道和含沙射影所玷污了。剑桥国际The scandal left a mark on his reputation. 那件丑事玷污了他的名声。译典通The scandal spotted his character. 那件丑闻玷污了他的人格。译典通The soldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.士兵们故意玷污了所有的圣地。剑桥国际Your behavior is causing our reputation to be dragged through the muck. 你的行为在玷污我们的名声。译典通

