
单词 石片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mousterian〕Designating or belonging to a Middle Paleolithic culture following the Acheulian and associated with Neanderthal man, characterized by the use of flaked tools.莫斯特文化:指或属于继阿舍利文化之后的、同尼安德特人有关的欧洲旧石器时代中期的文化,其文化特征为使用薄石片工具美国传统〔flake〕Large pebbles were flaked to give a cutting edge.大卵石被凿成有尖利边缘的石片英汉大词典〔microlith〕A very small blade made of flaked stone and used as a tool, especially in the European Mesolithic Period.小石器,微块:以石片制造非常小型的刀刃以作为工具,尤其是在欧洲中石器时代美国传统〔skip〕The boys like to skip flat stones across the pond.男孩子们喜欢往池塘水面上扔石片打水漂。英汉大词典〔skip〕The flat stone skipped over the lake.石片在湖面上打着水漂削过。英汉大词典

