
单词 真伪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apocryphal〕The apocryphal story of Columbus and the egg is very interesting.哥伦布和他竖蛋的真伪不明的故事非常有趣。文馨英汉〔authenticity〕Archaeological evidence may help to establish the authenticity of the statue.考古证据可能有助于确定该塑像的真伪朗文当代〔authenticity〕There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.然而,有些因素让人对该雕塑的真伪产生了怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔bibliotics〕Examination of written documents to determine authorship or authenticity.文件真伪鉴定:检查文献以确定为原作或真实美国传统〔decide〕A jury will determine whether the charges are true or false.陪审团将对这项指控的真伪作出裁决。美国传统〔fiction〕The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.这个故事一直以来真伪莫辨。外研社新世纪〔fiction〕The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.这个故事一直以来真伪莫辨。柯林斯高阶〔indent〕To cut or tear (a document with two or more copies) along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for establishing authenticity.用骑缝线割开:把(一张有两份或两份以上抄本的文件的纸张)按犬牙状割开以备将来并拢验证文件的真伪美国传统〔provenance〕There's no proof about the provenance of the painting(= whether it is genuine or not).这幅画的真伪无法鉴别。牛津高阶〔ring〕To test (a coin, for example) for quality by the sound it produces when struck against something.敲…以鉴别真伪:通过击打某物时产生的声音来检验(例如硬币的质量)美国传统〔simulation〕The viewer was unable to distinguish reality from simulation.旁观者无法辨别事实真伪英汉大词典I believe he is able to tell the true from the false. 我相信他能辨别真伪译典通

