
单词 真让我恼火
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TYPE〕People like that really annoy me. 那种人真让我恼火朗文写作活用〔bug〕It really bugs me to see how he treats her.看到他那样对她,真让我恼火韦氏高阶〔hack off〕His attitude really hacks me off.他的态度真让我恼火外研社新世纪〔irritate〕After a while her behaviour really began to irritate me.过了一会儿,她的行为真让我恼火了。剑桥高阶〔irritate〕It really irritates me when he doesn't help around the house.他对家里的事情一点都不帮忙,真让我恼火朗文当代〔nose〕I wish he wouldn't keep interrupting. It really gets up my nose.我希望他不要老是打搅我,那样真让我恼火朗文当代

