
单词 milk
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕The health centre provides milk and vitamins for pregnant women. 保健中心为孕妇提供牛奶和维生素。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕Mrs. Suggs crumbled the bread into hot milk. 萨格斯太太把面包弄碎放入热牛奶中。朗文写作活用〔DISOBEY〕The sale of untreated milk may contravene public health regulations. 销售未经处理的牛奶可能违反公众卫生条例。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Looks like we're out of milk again -- can you go to the store for me? 看来我们又没有牛奶了一你帮我去商店跑一趟好吗?朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Don't boil the milk, just heat it enough to take the chill off. 不要把牛奶煮沸,稍稍加热使其不凉即可。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Milk is heat treated for a few seconds to destroy bacteria. 牛奶经过几秒钟高温处理以消灭细菌。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The milk looked all right, but when I tasted it, it was horrible. 这牛奶看上去可以,可是我尝了一尝,味道非常糟糕。朗文写作活用〔Neufchâtel〕A soft, white cheese made from skimmed or whole milk.纳夫夏特尔干酪:从脱脂、精制牛奶中提取而做成的一种软质、乳白色干酪美国传统〔New England clam chowder〕A thick soup made with clams, onions, salt pork, potatoes, and milk.烧蛤糊:一种由切碎的蛤肉、洋葱、卤肉丁、西红柿和鲜奶调制成的浓汤美国传统〔Parmesan〕A hard, sharp, dry Italian cheese made from skim milk and usually served grated as a garnish.帕尔马干酪:一种用脱脂牛奶制成的有强烈气味的意大利硬干酪,通常磨碎作装饰菜用美国传统〔Pont l'Évêque〕A mild, soft-centered French cheese made of whole milk.邦勒维克干酪:用纯牛奶制成的一种法国奶酪,其心柔软美国传统〔SEPARATE〕As the milk turns sour, it separates into thick curds and watery liquid. 牛奶变酸的时候,就分成厚厚的凝乳和水状液体两部分。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕He opened the milk and sniffed it. 他打开牛奶闻了闻。朗文写作活用〔Simmental〕Any of a Swiss breed of large, muscular cattle, having a reddish body and a white face and raised for meat and milk.西门塔尔牛:一种瑞士种肌肉粗壮的牛,身体为浅红色,脸为白色,因其肉和奶而喂养美国传统〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕When there is a glut of milk more products like yoghurt are made. 当牛奶供应过剩时,便会多生产酸奶之类的产品了。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕Full cream milk contains about twice the fat of skimmed milk. 全脂牛奶所含的脂肪是脱脂牛奶的两倍。朗文写作活用〔Tom and Jerry〕A hot drink consisting of rum or another liquor, a beaten egg, milk or water, sugar, and spices.热奶蛋花酒:一种含朗姆酒或其它烈酒、打碎的鸡蛋、牛奶或水、糖以及各种作料的热饮料美国传统〔USE〕We use about six pints of milk a week. 我们每周消耗6品脱牛奶。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕Condensed milk is produced by removing about 50% of the water content of whole milk. 炼乳是去掉全脂牛奶中大约50%的水分制成的。朗文写作活用〔Welsh rabbit〕A dish made of melted cheese, milk or cream, seasonings, and sometimes ale, served hot over toast or crackers.威尔士干酪:一道由熔化的干酪、牛奶油、调味品、有时还有啤酒做成的菜,涂在干烤面包片或脆饼上享用美国传统〔Yorkshire pudding〕A popoverlike quick bread served with roast beef, made by baking a batter of eggs, flour, and milk in the drippings of the beef.约克郡布丁:一种与烤牛排一同食用的膨松饼状的速制面包,用鸡蛋、面粉、牛奶和牛肉肉汁等烘焙而成美国传统〔agalactia〕Absence of or faulty secretion of milk following childbirth.缺乳:分娩后不分泌或很少分泌乳汁美国传统〔anything〕Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine, producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day.集约饲养把奶牛变成了生产牛奶的机器,每天差不多要挤出25升到40升的牛奶。柯林斯高阶〔as〕She spilled the milk just as she was getting up.她起身时碰翻了牛奶。韦氏高阶〔bad〕This milk smells bad.这牛奶闻上去坏了。麦克米伦高阶〔bail up〕She bailed a cow up for milking.她用闸架扣住奶牛头部以便挤奶。21世纪英汉〔batter〕Dip the fish in a batter of flour, milk, and eggs.把鱼在由面粉、牛奶和鸡蛋调成的面糊里蘸一下。韦氏高阶〔beat〕Beat the eggs, then add the milk.把鸡蛋打一打,然后加入牛奶。朗文当代〔beat〕Beat the flour and milk together.把面粉和牛奶搅拌在一起。牛津高阶〔blend〕Blend a little milk with two tablespoons of syrup.将少许牛奶和两大汤匙糖浆混合。牛津搭配〔blood sugar〕The milk and cookie helped boost her blood sugar.牛奶跟曲奇饼帮助她血糖升高。剑桥高阶〔bottle〕Two bottles of milk stood on the doorstep.门阶上放着两瓶牛奶。外研社新世纪〔breed〕This breed is used for both milk and meat production.此品种既可用于产奶和也可肉用。牛津搭配〔brush〕Brush the pastry with milk.给酥油面团刷一层牛奶。朗文当代〔buttermilk〕A cultured sour milk made by adding certain microorganisms to sweet milk.酸奶:在甜牛奶中加入某种微生物制得的发酵的酸味牛奶美国传统〔cambric tea〕A drink for children, made of hot water, milk, sugar, and usually a small amount of tea.坎布里克茶:一种儿童饮料,由热水、牛奶、糖以及常常是少量的茶制成美国传统〔casein〕A white, tasteless, odorless protein precipitated from milk by rennin. It is the basis of cheese and is used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, and foods.酪蛋白:一种由凝乳酶从牛奶中沉淀出来的白色、无味、无臭的蛋白质。是制作奶酪的原料,也用来制作塑料、胶粘剂、油漆和食品美国传统〔change〕She fed the baby some milk and changed its nappy.她给婴儿喂了点奶, 换了尿布。外研社新世纪〔close〕If you need to buy bread or milk, the closest shop is about a mile away.如果你需要买面包或牛奶,最近的商店大概是一英里远。朗文当代〔cocoa〕A beverage made by mixing this powder with sugar in hot water or milk.可可饮料:由可可加糖放入热水或牛奶中混合而成的一种饮料美国传统〔consistency〕Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk.用水把颜料稀释到牛奶的黏稠度。外研社新世纪〔contrary〕Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.与普遍的看法相反,许多猫不喜欢牛奶。牛津高阶〔cry〕As the saying goes —it's no use crying over spilt milk.常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。牛津高阶〔cry〕It's no use crying over spilt milk .木已成舟,哭也无用。朗文当代〔curdle〕The herb has been used for centuries to curdle milk.那种香草几个世纪以来都被用来制作酸乳。柯林斯高阶〔curd〕A coagulated liquid that resembles milk curd.凝乳液体:凝乳状的凝结液体美国传统〔dairy farm〕A farm for producing milk and milk products.乳牛场:生产牛奶和奶制品的农场美国传统〔decant〕She always used to decant the milk into a jug.她过去总是把牛奶倒入一个壶中。柯林斯高阶〔deficient〕The milk is deficient in fat.这牛奶脂肪含量不足。英汉大词典〔dilute with〕She diluted the milk with water.她用水把牛奶冲淡。21世纪英汉〔dollop〕A dollop of milk was left in the container.容器中剩了一点儿牛奶。韦氏高阶〔down〕I'm going down to the shop to buy some milk.我要去商店买些牛奶。剑桥高阶〔drink〕I gave the cat some milk and she drank it all up.我给了猫一些牛奶,它全喝光了。麦克米伦高阶〔dry〕He's just milking the company dry.他正在一点点地把公司榨干。外研社新世纪〔d〕I'd like a glass of milk, please.我想喝杯牛奶。麦克米伦高阶〔early〕The milk is delivered early.牛奶很早就送到了。外研社新世纪〔either〕I don't like milk, and I don't like eggs either.我不喜欢牛奶, 也不喜欢鸡蛋。外研社新世纪〔especially〕Mother's milk is especially important in growing babies.母乳对婴儿的成长非常重要。英汉大词典〔evaporated milk〕Concentrated, unsweetened milk made by evaporating some of the water from whole milk.炼乳:通过使水从全脂牛奶中蒸发浓缩和去除甜味的乳美国传统〔fetch in〕She opened the front door to fetch in the milk.她打开前门去把牛奶拿进来。外研社新世纪〔fix〕The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.牛奶和谷类食物的价格每年确定一次。柯林斯高阶〔flour〕Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.加点儿牛奶在面里,调匀面糊。牛津搭配〔foodstuff〕They lack basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk.他们缺乏面包和牛奶这样的基本食品。剑桥高阶〔forget〕We need bread, milk, and eggs – don't forget.我们需要面包、牛奶和鸡蛋 — 可别忘了。朗文当代〔fourth〕The Kuban produces a fourth of Russia's grain, meat and milk.库班河流域出产俄罗斯四分之一的粮食、肉类和牛奶。外研社新世纪〔fresh〕Having recently calved and therefore with milk. Used of a cow.刚生小牛的:刚生过小牛因此有奶的。用于奶牛美国传统〔fresh〕Sorry, we're fresh out of milk.对不起,牛奶我们刚卖完。牛津高阶〔fridge〕Don't forget to put the milk back in the fridge.别忘了把牛奶放回冰箱里。剑桥高阶〔fridge〕Please put the milk in the fridge.请把牛奶放到冰箱里。韦氏高阶〔fudge〕A soft, rich candy made of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring.软糖:一种柔软、甜腻的糖。由糖、牛奶、奶油和香料制成美国传统〔give〕Cows give milk.乳牛产奶。英汉大词典〔glass〕She poured some milk into a glass.她往玻璃杯中倒了些牛奶。剑桥高阶〔go down〕I need to go down to the store for milk.我要去附近商店买牛奶。韦氏高阶〔gulp down〕Late for work again, she gulped down a cup of milk, with no time for anything to eat.上班又要迟到了,她把一杯牛奶一饮而尽,再没有时间吃其他东西了。21世纪英汉〔hands〕Keep your hands off my milk.别动我的牛奶。外研社新世纪〔heat〕Cook the milk over low/gentle/medium heat.用低挡/文/中挡火煮牛奶。韦氏高阶〔heat〕When the milk comes to the boil, turn off the heat.牛奶煮沸后把火关掉。朗文当代〔hoarder〕The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk.用贮藏的一罐炼乳为茶添加了甜味。柯林斯高阶〔hope〕I hope you're not going to use all the milk.但愿你不会把牛奶全部用光。麦克米伦高阶〔iffy〕The milk smells a bit iffy.这牛奶闻起来有点儿不对劲。剑桥高阶〔in〕Put the milk back in the fridge when you've finished with it.喝完牛奶后把它放回冰箱。剑桥高阶〔keep〕How long does milk keep?牛奶能保存多久?牛津同义词〔keep〕How long will this milk keep? 这牛奶能保鲜多久? 英汉大词典〔lactoprotein〕A protein normally present in milk.乳蛋白质:一种通常存在于乳汁中的蛋白质美国传统〔land of milk and honey〕Many immigrants thought that America was a land of milk and honey.很多移民认为美国是一个富饶之地。韦氏高阶〔lap ... up〕The dog quickly lapped up the milk in the saucer.狗很快就将碟子里的牛奶舔光了。21世纪英汉〔lap〕They lapped up their milk.它们舔食牛奶。麦克米伦高阶〔lick〕The cat licked up the milk.猫把牛奶舔光了。牛津高阶〔liquid〕Water and milk are liquids.水和牛奶都是液体。韦氏高阶〔live〕Babies live on milk.婴儿以奶为主食。英汉大词典〔load〕Don't load upon rich dairy products like butter and whole milk.不要多吃黄油和全脂奶一类的高脂肪乳制品。英汉大词典〔meal〕She makes us drink a glass of milk at every meal.她每餐都要我们喝杯牛奶。韦氏高阶〔measure〕He measured out a cup of milk and added it to the mixture.他倒了一杯牛奶,掺了进去。牛津高阶〔medium〕Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine.含钠量仅为中等水平的食物有面包、蛋糕、牛奶、黄油和人造黄油。柯林斯高阶〔milchig〕Derived from or made of milk or dairy products.乳制的,乳制品的:由牛奶或其他奶产品而来的或制成的美国传统〔milk〕A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.一些人试图从保险公司敲一笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔milk〕A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.一些人试图敲保险公司一笔钱。外研社新世纪〔milk〕Do you take milk in your tea? 你茶里加奶吗?牛津高阶〔milk〕Dried milk keeps better than fluid milk.奶粉比液体奶容易保存。牛津搭配〔milk〕He milked the snake of its venom.他抽取了蛇的毒液。英汉大词典〔milk〕He seems to be milking the incident for all it's worth (=getting as much from it as possible) .他似乎正竭力从这件事中捞取好处。朗文当代〔milk〕Rather than crying over spilt milk, focus your energy on improving the situation.不要对既成事实悲叹, 还是集中精力去改善局面吧。外研社新世纪〔milk〕She has a milk allergy.她对牛奶过敏。外研社新世纪〔milk〕The ewe milks well.这头母羊出奶率高。21世纪英汉〔milk〕Their landlord regularly milks them for extra money by claiming for damage to his property.他们的房东经常声称房产被损坏向他们榨取额外的钱财。朗文当代〔milk〕Too much milk may lower milk prices.牛奶产量过多就会令奶价下降。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。外研社新世纪〔mop sth up〕There's milk on the floor over there - could you get a cloth and mop it up? 那边地板上有牛奶——你能拿块布把它擦干净吗?剑桥高阶〔nourish〕Milk is all we need to nourish our small baby.我们只需要奶来喂养我们的幼婴。英汉大词典〔nutrition〕Milk, meat, fruits and vegetables provide good nutrition.牛奶、鲜肉、水果和蔬菜营养丰富。英汉大词典〔object〕I object to paying that much for milk.我不赞成花那么多的钱买牛奶。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕This milk is off.这牛奶变质了。外研社新世纪〔oh〕Milk, cereal, juice – oh, and put lettuce on the list too.牛奶、谷类食品、果汁 — 噢,把生菜也加到单子上。朗文当代〔out〕We're out of milk.我们没有牛奶了。牛津高阶〔pecorino〕An Italian cheese, especially Romano, made from ewe's milk.母羊奶酪:一种由母羊奶制成的意大利奶酪,尤指罗马诺奶酪美国传统〔plough through〕He used to watch body building videos and plough through a daily diet of a dozen eggs and four pints of milk.他曾经观看健身录像,并且熬过了每天12个鸡蛋和4品脱牛奶的饮食。柯林斯高阶〔popover〕A very light, hollow muffin made with eggs, milk, and flour.膨松饼:一种用鸡蛋、牛奶和面粉制成的质轻空心的松饼美国传统〔pour〕I poured the milk out of the bottle.我把牛奶由瓶子里倒出来。牛津同义词〔powdered〕Shall I put some powdered milk in your coffee? 要不要我在你的咖啡里加点奶粉?剑桥高阶〔pressurization〕The factories have pressurized the farmers into producing more milk.工厂对农民施加压力,要他们生产更多的牛奶。21世纪英汉〔price〕The price of milk rose/increased/fell/dropped.牛奶价格上涨/提高/下跌/降低了。韦氏高阶〔principal〕The principal ingredients are flour and milk.主要原料是面粉和牛奶。外研社新世纪〔quark〕A soft, creamy acid-cured cheese of central Europe made from whole milk.酸奶酪:中欧一种柔软含奶油并经酸性处理的奶酪,由全脂牛奶制成美国传统〔quintessential〕Sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican cheese.绵羊奶酪是最典型的科西嘉菜。剑桥高阶〔refrigerate〕Milk can be kept 3 days if it is well refrigerated.如果冷藏得当,牛奶可贮存3天。英汉大词典〔run〕We're running low on milk.我们的牛奶剩得不多了。麦克米伦高阶〔scald〕Scald the milk and then add it to the egg and sugar mixture.把牛奶煮至将沸,然后倒入鸡蛋白糖的混合物中。剑桥高阶〔sensitive〕Increasing numbers of people are sensitive to cow's milk.对牛奶过敏的人越来越多了。朗文当代〔separate〕They described the process used to separate cream from milk.他们介绍了从牛奶分离出奶油的过程。韦氏高阶〔skim milk〕Milk from which the cream has been removed.脱脂乳:已撇取走了乳脂的牛奶美国传统〔skin〕A skin had formed on the top of the milk.奶上结了一层奶皮。牛津高阶〔slobber〕I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.我再喂奶给她时,她把奶淌到了围涎上。21世纪英汉〔slurp〕He drank his milk in three slurps.他咕嘟咕嘟地三口把牛奶喝掉了。英汉大词典〔smell〕Smell the milk to tell if it's sour.闻闻看这牛奶是否酸了。英汉大词典〔smell〕This milk smells off(=no longer fresh).这牛奶变质了。麦克米伦高阶〔sniff〕He opened the milk and sniffed it.他打开牛奶闻了一闻。朗文当代〔softly〕Add enough milk to form a soft dough.加入足量的牛奶,使面团变得柔软。柯林斯高阶〔sour〕Milk sours quickly in hot weather.牛奶在热天会很快酸败。英汉大词典〔sour〕Hot weather sours milk.热天会让牛奶变酸。剑桥高阶〔sour〕The milk smelled sour.这奶闻着酸了。牛津搭配〔spill〕Milk spilled out of the bottle.牛奶溢出瓶外。牛津同义词〔spill〕Don't spill the milk.不要使牛奶溢出来。文馨英汉〔spill〕It is no use crying over spilt milk.【谚】为洒在地上的牛奶痛哭是无济于事的;覆水难收。文馨英汉〔squeak〕The milk cart squeaked out of the village.运奶车吱吱地响着慢慢驶出了村子。21世纪英汉〔sterilization〕The milk was sterilized and sealed in bottles.牛奶经过灭菌处理后被封装在瓶子里。柯林斯高阶〔sticky〕Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough.把牛奶搅进去,和成软而不黏的面团。牛津高阶〔stir〕She stirred the milk into her tea.她把牛奶放进茶里搅拌。文馨英汉〔stop〕Thanks to them, I can walk out of the house without having to stop the milk, put the animals in kennels, or make sure everything is locked.有了它们, 我出门前不必再取消送奶, 把狗关进狗窝, 或是确认所有的东西都锁上了。外研社新世纪〔strip〕To press the last drops of milk from (a cow or goat, for example) at the end of milking.挤掉最后一滴奶:挤奶快结束时从(如奶牛或奶羊)中挤出最后的奶美国传统〔stumble〕In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.匆忙中她绊了一下,把牛奶洒得满地都是。朗文当代〔sub〕For a lower-calorie version of the recipe, try subbing milk for cream.要降低这道菜的热量,可用牛奶代替奶油。牛津高阶〔suck〕She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正嗞嗞地用吸管喝着牛奶。牛津搭配〔suck〕She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.她正用吸管咕嘟咕嘟地喝牛奶。牛津高阶〔sugar〕Tea with milk and two sugars (= spoonfuls or lumps of sugar), please.请给我一杯茶,加牛奶和两勺糖。剑桥高阶〔take〕Do you take milk in your coffee? 你茶里要放牛奶吗?剑桥高阶〔taste〕The milk tastes sour.这牛奶有酸味。英汉大词典〔tell〕I told myself to pick up some milk on the way home, but I forgot to do it.我跟自己讲,在回家的路上要捎点牛奶,我却忘得一干二净。韦氏高阶〔thing〕I need to get a few things like milk, bread, and eggs.我必须弄一些牛奶、面包、鸡蛋之类的东西来。麦克米伦高阶〔thirstily〕The child nodded, drinking her milk thirstily.那个孩子边大口地喝着牛奶边点了点头。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕The baby has tipped over her milk.小宝宝把牛奶打翻了。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕Lack of refrigeration turned the milk.没有电冰箱会使牛奶变质美国传统〔whisker〕He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.他看着猫把胡须上的牛奶弄干净。剑桥高阶〔white〕With milk added. Used of tea or coffee.加奶的,白色的:加奶的,用于指茶或咖啡美国传统〔wholesome〕Milk is very wholesome.牛奶对健康大有好处。英汉大词典〔yield〕Hormones and antibiotics are fed to cows to stimulate greater milk yields.人们给母牛喂食激素和抗生素以提高牛奶产量。外研社新世纪〔yield〕The average milk yield per cow has doubled.每头奶牛的产奶量翻了一番。朗文当代Milk could be repackaged as a designer drink.牛奶可以重新包装成为品牌饮料。牛津商务A lot of mothers find early weaning from breast milk more convenient.许多母亲发现早期断奶更方便。剑桥国际Add a scant half litre (= almost half a litre) of milk to the mixture and stir well.在混合料里加入近半升牛奶充分搅拌。剑桥国际Antibodies found in breast milk protect babies against infection.母乳中所含的抗体可保护婴儿免受感染。剑桥国际Breast/Mother's milk is the best nourishment for a baby.母乳对婴儿来说是最好的营养品。剑桥国际Britain is one of the few countries in the world where milk is delivered daily to the doorstep by milkmen.英国是世界上少数几个牛奶每天由送奶的人送到家门口的国家之一。剑桥国际Cows were domesticated to provide us with milk. 驯养奶牛是为了给我们提供牛奶。译典通Cream is a yellowish oil-in-water emulsion which forms when milk is allowed to stand.奶油是淡黄色的油水混合物,是牛奶沉积后形成的。剑桥国际He has/does a milk/paper round (= he delivers milk / newspapers to houses).他挨户送牛奶/报纸。剑桥国际He's gone down to the corner shop to get some milk.他到街角的那家商店去买牛奶。剑桥国际Hot weather sours milk.炎热的天气使牛奶变酸。剑桥国际How long have you had this milk -- it smells off.这牛奶你买来有多久了----它闻上去已变质了。剑桥国际I heard the clank of buckets as the farm workers went to milk the cows.我听到农场工人去挤牛奶时牛奶桶发出的当啷声。剑桥国际Many Mexicans regard the United States as a land of milk and honey.许多墨西哥人把美国当作人间天堂。剑桥国际No milk today, 2 pts tomorrow please.今天不要牛奶,明天要2品脱。剑桥国际Only a soupcon of milk in my tea, please.请在我的茶中加一点点牛奶。剑桥国际She sponged up the spilt milk. 她用海绵将泼出的牛奶吸干了。译典通She's full of the milk of human kindness (= care for the sufferings of others).她充满了人类的恻隐之心。剑桥国际That milk will go off (= become sour and no longer pleasant to drink) if you don't put it back in the fridge.如果你不把牛奶放回冰箱,它就会变酸。剑桥国际The milk has soured in warm weather. 牛奶在暖和的天气里发酸了。译典通The milk is sweet. 这牛奶很新鲜。译典通The milk produced by cows, goats and sheep is drunk by humans or made into butter or cheese.由奶牛、山羊和绵羊产出来的奶给人喝,还被做成白脱和奶酪。剑桥国际The milk smells sour. 牛奶有酸味了。译典通The milk they sold was watered. 他们卖的牛奶是搀了水的。译典通The milk was warming in a saucepan on the stove. 牛奶放在炉灶上的锅里热著。译典通The baby sicked up (= vomited) some milk on her aunt's shoulder.婴儿将一些奶回吐到她阿姨的肩膀上。剑桥国际The introduction of pasteurization, which kills micro-organisms by heat, has been a major factor in making milk safer to drink.低热灭菌法的引进,能通过加热杀死微生物体,成为使牛奶喝起来更安全的主要因素。剑桥国际The single supplier of milk for the region was a giant dairy (= company) near St Petersburg.这个地区供应牛奶的唯一厂商是靠近圣彼得堡的一家大型牛奶公司。剑桥国际There is no longer the land of milk and honey. 不再有富饶的乐土。译典通This milk doesn't smell very nice.这牛奶味道不太好。剑桥国际We get our milk delivered. 我们订的牛奶送到了。剑桥国际Yoghurt is obtained by fermenting milk with bacteria.酸乳酪是用细菌使牛奶发酵制成的。剑桥国际You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk.在加牛奶之前把所有干的成份混在一起。剑桥国际You'll need some absorbent paper / cloth to clean up that spilt milk.你需要一些吸水纸/布用来抹掉泼出的牛奶。剑桥国际

