
单词 manipulating
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adept〕He was astonishingly adept at manipulating the big machine.他操作这台大机器熟练得惊人。英汉大词典〔adept〕She is adept at manipulating the media.她善于操纵媒体。外研社新世纪〔forceps〕An instrument resembling a pair of pincers or tongs, used for grasping, manipulating, or extracting, especially such an instrument used by a surgeon.钳子,镊子:象钳子或夹子的一种器械,用来夹、操纵或抽取,尤其指外科医生用的这样的器具美国传统〔intelligent〕The smartest lawyers avoid the appearance of manipulating juries.最聪明的律师避免让人看上去是在控制陪审团。美国传统〔manipulate〕Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.计算机在处理信息方面效率极高。牛津高阶〔manipulate〕He's always been good at manipulating numbers in his head.他一直很擅于心算。韦氏高阶〔manipulate〕His mind moves in quantum leaps, manipulating ideas and jumping on to new ones as soon as he can.他的脑子飞快地转着,分析着各种想法,还不时冒出新的点子来。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕I watched the pilot expertly manipulating the controls in front of him.我看着飞行员熟练地操作他面前的控制仪。麦克米伦高阶〔manipulate〕She accused the party of manipulating the figures.她指控该政党篡改了数据。麦克米伦高阶〔manipulate〕She's always borrowing my clothes and manipulating me to give her vast sums of money.她老是向我借衣服,还千方百计地要我给她大笔大笔的钱。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对派领导人指责政府部长篡改统计数据以满足自身利益。剑桥高阶〔manipulate〕Their kids are manipulating them into buying toys.他们的孩子缠着他们, 想要他们买下玩具。外研社新世纪〔manipulate〕They felt he had been cowardly in manipulating the system to avoid the draft.他们觉得他太没种,居然钻漏洞逃避服役。柯林斯高阶〔manipulate〕They'll have kids who are two, three, who are manipulating them into buying toys.他们会碰到两三岁的孩子缠着他们买玩具。柯林斯高阶〔manipulation〕The act or practice of manipulating.操作:操作的行为或实践美国传统〔master〕He is a master at manipulating people.他善于操控人。韦氏高阶〔micromanipulator〕A device for manipulating minute instruments and needles under a microscope in order to perform delicate procedures, such as microsurgery.显微操纵器:在显微镜下用于操纵微小仪器的设备,用于施行精细的步骤,如在显微外科手术中使用美国传统〔past master〕He was a past master at manipulating the media for his own ends.他是操纵媒体为自己所用的老手。外研社新世纪〔past master〕He was a past-master at manipulating the media for his own ends.他是操纵媒体为自己服务的老手。柯林斯高阶〔pool〕A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders for speculating in or manipulating prices of securities.集合基金:为了投机或操纵证券价格而由一群证券持有人建立起来的共同基金美国传统〔train〕To cause (a plant or one's hair) to take a desired course or shape, as by manipulating.整形:使(一植物或某人头发)向希望的方向生长或成为所希望的形状,如通过巧妙处理美国传统〔video game〕An electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a display screen.电子游戏:一种在电视屏上进行的电子游戏或者计算机游戏美国传统〔wire〕The system of strings employed in manipulating puppets in a show.牵线:木偶表演中用于操纵木偶的一套线美国传统Advertisers seem to be concerned with manipulating our attitudes.广告商好像都专注于操纵人们的态度。牛津商务Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.计算机处理信息效率很高。牛津商务She accused the government of masking the true unemployment figures by manipulating the statistics.她指责政府操纵统计数据,隐瞒了真实的失业数字。剑桥国际The company committed fraud by manipulating its financial records.这家公司因篡改财务记录而犯有欺诈罪。牛津商务The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对党领导人指责政府部长为满足自身需要而篡改了统计数据。剑桥国际The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion. 那个年轻政客在操纵舆论方面是个外行。译典通

