
单词 favorable
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕In the end we settled the deal on very favorable terms. 最后我们以非常有利的条件谈成了生意。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕The war has created favorable conditions for the illegal arms trade. 这场战争为非法军火贸易创造了有利条件。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The conditions are now favorable for job creation and economic growth. 现在的情况有利于创造就业机会和经济增长。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Judges are bribed or threatened into making decisions favorable to drug traffickers. 法官们或被收买或受到威胁,作出有利于毒贩的裁决。朗文写作活用〔acceptance〕Favorable reception; approval.赞同;肯定美国传统〔acceptation〕Favorable reception; approval.欢迎;赞同美国传统〔appreciate〕These verbs mean to have a favorable opinion of someone or something.这些动词都指对某人或某事赞许的观点。美国传统〔appreciation〕A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one.评价:判断或意见,尤指有益的美国传统〔approval〕Favorable regard; commendation.赞成:令人满意的对待;赞成美国传统〔auspice〕Auspices for the venture seemed favorable.冒险行动已显示出好预兆美国传统〔auspice〕They began their work under favorable [unfavorable] auspices.他们对选举活动而言,那是吉利的开始。auspices. 他们在有利的[不利的]前兆下开始他们的工作。文馨英汉〔beneficial〕Producing or promoting a favorable result; advantageous.有利的:产生或促进有利的结果的;有利的美国传统〔benefit of the doubt〕A favorable judgment granted in the absence of full evidence.有利判决:允许在全部证据不足的情况下给予的有利判决美国传统〔boon〕Archaic Favorable.【古语】 慷慨的美国传统〔circumstance〕The plan might work better with more favourable / favorable circumstances.如果客观环境有所改善,这个计划实施起来效果可能更好。牛津搭配〔conceit〕A favorable and especially unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth.自负:某人对自己的能力或价值的过高估价美国传统〔condition〕New policies have made conditions more favorable for small businesses.新政策对小企业更有利。韦氏高阶〔construction〕I was inclined to put a favorable construction on his reply.我总是对他的回答作出很好的解释美国传统〔deal〕Informal A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain.【非正式用语】 互惠交易:指尤对买者有利的交易;占便宜的交易美国传统〔death qualification〕The qualification of a juror on the basis of a favorable attitude regarding the death penalty.死亡限制:就死刑来说,陪审员基于赞同的态度的限制美国传统〔estimation〕Favorable regard; esteem.尊重:尊敬;尊重美国传统〔externally〕Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable.这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生。柯林斯高阶〔favorable〕Early test results were favorable.早先测试的结果良好。韦氏高阶〔favorable〕He was given a favorable recommendation.他获得了对他表示支持与肯定的推荐。韦氏高阶〔favorable〕I hope you will give favorable consideration to my suggestion.我希望你对我的建议作出肯定的表示。美国传统〔favorable〕The new play got many favorable reviews.新剧得到了很多好评韦氏高阶〔favorable〕The performance received a favorable review.节目受到了赞扬。美国传统〔favourable〕The response has been overwhelmingly favorable.回应是一边倒的肯定。朗文当代〔gambit〕Games An opening in chess in which a minor piece, or pieces, usually a pawn, is offered in exchange for a favorable position.【游戏】 第一着棋,起手着法:国际象棋开局时自愿让出一个或几个小棋子(通常为兵)以交换较有利的形势美国传统〔large〕Nautical Favorable. Used of a wind.【航海】 顺风的。用于风美国传统〔less〕He had a less than favorable view of the matter.他对那种事情根本不抱好感美国传统〔make〕A favorable review from him can make a play.他赞赏的评论能使这场戏成功美国传统〔materially〕The favorable wind helped the progress of the boat materially.顺风大有助于该船的行进。文馨英汉〔muddle〕To push on to a favorable outcome in a disorganized way.胡乱应付过去:以毫无组织的方式应付过去而得到一个还不错的结果美国传统〔opportunity〕A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.有利的环境:适宜或有利的环境或多种因素美国传统〔opportunity〕A favorable or suitable occasion or time.有利的机会:合适或有利的机会或时间美国传统〔opportunity〕All these nouns refer to a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.所有这些名词都指一种有利的环境或多种因素。美国传统〔optimal〕Most favorable or desirable; optimum.最理想的:最适宜的,最令人满意的,最优的美国传统〔optimist〕One who usually expects a favorable outcome.乐观主义者美国传统〔optimum〕Biology The most favorable condition for growth and reproduction.【生物学】 最适度:最适合生长和繁殖的条件美国传统〔optimum〕Most favorable or advantageous; best.最好的:最适合或最有利的;最好的美国传统〔optimum〕The point at which the condition, degree, or amount of something is the most favorable.最佳效果:事物的条件、程度或数量的最合适点美国传统〔overall〕My overall impression was favorable.我的总体印象是很好的美国传统〔partiality〕Favorable prejudice or bias.偏袒或偏见美国传统〔pass〕To undergo an examination or a trial with favorable results.通过,及格:以良好或有利的结果通过检查或审判美国传统〔place〕A dominant or favorable position or situation.处于占优势或有利的地位或位置美国传统〔plug〕Informal A favorable public mention of a commercial product, business, or performance, especially when broadcast.【非正式用语】 商业广告:一种商业产品、一个企业或一场表演的公开的有利称赞,尤其是在广播时美国传统〔productive〕Yielding favorable or useful results; constructive.得益的:富有成效的或结果有用的;建设性的美国传统〔rating〕He's currently enjoying a favourable / favorable rating with more than 50% of the electorate.他目前以赢得过半数选民的选票而居优势。牛津搭配〔recommendation〕Something that recommends, especially a favorable statement concerning character or qualifications.可贵之处:可取或受欢迎的地方,尤指有关品性或性质的受欢迎之处美国传统〔recoup〕To regain a former favorable position.恢复:重新获得原来有利的位置美国传统〔recover〕To receive a favorable judgment in a lawsuit.胜诉:在某个法律诉讼中获得有利的判决美国传统〔salubrious〕Conducive or favorable to health or well-being.对身体或健康有益的美国传统〔sit〕To be in a very favorable position.处于非常有利的地位美国传统〔slatch〕A momentary lull between breaking waves, favorable for launching a boat.暂时平静:中断的波浪之间暂时的平静,有利于船只出航美国传统〔slide〕To return to a less favorable or less worthy condition.不知不觉陷入:回到不太有利或不太有价值的状况美国传统〔smile〕A pleasant or favorable disposition or aspect.笑容:高兴的或赞许的性情或外观美国传统〔soil〕A place or condition favorable to growth; a breeding ground.温床:对生长有利的地方或状况;滋生地美国传统〔special pleading〕A presentation of an argument that emphasizes only a favorable or single aspect of the question at issue.诡辩:答辩时只谈对自己有利之点而避开不利之点的辩术美国传统〔spuriously〕These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.这些数据通常是通过选取特定的有利样本组而虚算得来的。外研社新世纪〔spurious〕These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.这些数字往往是用错误的方法计算出来的,所用的都是特别挑选出来的对自己有利的样本组。柯林斯高阶〔tide〕A favorable occasion; an opportunity.时机:有利的场合;机会美国传统〔towardly〕Advantageous; favorable.有利的;有帮助的美国传统〔trade-last〕A favorable remark that one has overheard about another person and offers to repeat to that person in exchange for a compliment overheard about oneself.恭维话:某人听到的有关另一人的恭维话语,重复说给那人听以换取对方有关自己的赞扬美国传统〔viable〕Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.能居的:在良好的状态下能够存活、发展或发芽的美国传统〔view〕Many Americans have a favourable / favorable view of the Democratic nominee.许多美国人对这个民主党候选人持赞成态度。牛津搭配〔way〕The yacht continued its passage with favorable winds.小艇顺风继续航行。美国传统〔word〕Favorable news.好消息美国传统〔write-up〕A published account, review, or notice, especially a favorable one.报道:一篇刊登的报道、评论或短评,尤指捧场文章美国传统Each nation suppressed news that was not favorable to it. 每个国家都封锁对它不利的消息。译典通The book received a favorable review. 这本书赢得了好评。译典通The weather seemed favorable for the race. 这天气似乎很适合赛跑。译典通They are favorable to the proposal. 他们赞同这项提议。译典通

