
单词 et
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blah-blah-blah〕And so on; et cetera.诸如此类,等等;及其它等等美国传统〔come〕I've come to g et my book.我来拿我的书。牛津高阶〔commence〕I saw the celebrations commence with a lavish son et lumière spectacle.我看到庆典以盛大的声光表演开场。外研社新世纪〔duck〕It's his turn to cook dinner, but I b et he'll try to duck out of it.轮到他做饭了,但我敢打赌他会想方设法逃避的。牛津高阶〔et al.〕Et alii (and others).纱罗(筛娟)美国传统〔et al.〕The method is described in an article by Feynman et al.该方法在范曼等人的一篇文章中有所介绍。剑桥高阶〔et al〕Boers et al, 2001 伯尔斯等,2001 年朗文当代〔et seq.〕Et sequens (and the following one or ones).以及下列等等:Etsequens的缩写,意为“以及下列等等”美国传统〔remake〕The French film "Trois Hommes et un Couffin" was remade in Hollywood as "Three Men and a Baby".法国电影《三个男人和一个摇篮》被好莱坞重拍成电影《三个奶爸一个娃》。剑桥高阶〔street〕The bank is just across the stre et.银行就在街对过。牛津高阶The French film ‘Trois Hommes et un Bebe was remade in Hollywood as ‘Three Men and a Baby’.法国影片《3个男人和1个婴儿》在好莱坞被重新摄制。剑桥国际The method is described in an article by Feynman et al. (= and other writers).这种方法在一篇由费因曼等人所写的文章中有所描述。剑桥国际

