
单词 fables
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aesopian〕Relating to or characteristic of the animal fables of Aesop.伊索寓言式的:有关伊索的动物寓言的,以伊索的动物寓言为特征的美国传统〔Phaedrus〕Roman fabulist who wrote a collection of fables based on those attributed to Aesop.费德鲁斯:罗马寓言家,他写了一部基于被认为是伊索所作的寓言集美国传统〔STORY〕The best-known of Aesop's fables is "The Tortoise and the Hare'. 伊索寓言中最有名的是《龟兔赛跑》。朗文写作活用〔fable〕Aesop's Fables 《伊索寓言》英汉大词典〔fable〕Aesop's Fables 伊索寓言牛津高阶〔fable〕Aesop's fables 伊索寓言韦氏高阶〔fable〕To compose fables.虚构:创作虚构的故事美国传统〔fabulist〕A composer of fables.寓言家:寓言的创作者美国传统〔fabulous〕Told of or celebrated in fables or legends.以寓言方式的:在寓言或传说中讲到或产生的美国传统〔level〕Fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可从不同的角度去理解。牛津高阶〔satire〕Some of Aesop's Fables are satires.《伊索寓言》中有几篇是讽刺故事。英汉大词典An anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables. 一位人类学家写了一部关于这些寓言的专著。译典通

