“at variance with”例句

单词 at variance with
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔at variance〕His current statements are completely at variance with his earlier position.他现在的说法和之前的立场完全不一致。韦氏高阶〔variance〕I seem to be at variance with most modern writers.我似乎和大多数现代作家意见相左。外研社新世纪〔variance〕Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.他的说法有很多和事实不符。柯林斯高阶〔variance〕Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.他的说法有很多和事实不符。外研社新世纪〔variance〕The facts are at variance with your story.事实和你的故事有出入美国传统〔variance〕These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.这些结论与证据完全相悖。牛津高阶〔variance〕This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.这种理想主义的观念和现实相矛盾。柯林斯高阶〔variance〕This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.这种理想主义的观念和现实相矛盾。外研社新世纪〔variance〕Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.传统和文化常常与现代生活的需要有冲突。朗文当代〔variance〕What he did was at variance with what he'd promised to do.他所做的与他曾答应要做的不相符合。英汉大词典〔variance〕Young people's reactions to world events are often at variance with those of their parents.年轻人对国际大事的反应往往与父辈们存在差异。剑桥高阶〔wry〕Being at variance with what is right, proper, or suitable; perverse.邪恶的:与正确的、合适的、适宜的事不一致的;乖张的美国传统Her conduct is at variance with her words. 她言行不一。译典通Most heavy metal fans are under 20 --this is at variance with the age of the bands themselves, who are often on the wrong side of 40.大多数“重金属”摇滚乐迷都在20岁以下----这和乐队成员自己的年龄大相径庭,他们往往都年过45。剑桥国际She said that the approaches of some teachers are at variance with the real needs of schools.她说一些老师的方法与学校的真正需要相悖。剑桥国际We have never been at variance with our neighbors. 我们从未和邻居发生过龃龉。译典通Young people's reactions to world events are often at variance with those of their parents.年轻人对世界上事件的反应往往与他们的父母不相同。剑桥国际

