“hold court”例句

单词 hold court
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔court〕Dylan was holding court upstairs to a group of fans.迪伦在楼上给一群崇拜者讲笑话。朗文当代〔court〕The great man was holding court at the Ritz Hotel.那位大人物正在丽兹酒店大出风头。外研社新世纪〔court〕The restaurant's owner was holding court at his usual table in the corner.餐厅老板在他常坐的那个角落的餐桌旁谈笑风生。韦氏高阶〔hold court〕Patrick is holding court at the end table.帕特里克在茶几旁被不少人围着。剑桥高阶〔hold〕Joey would walk into the bar and hold court all night.乔伊进入酒吧后会成为人们整晚注意的焦点。朗文当代Patrick is holding court at the end table.帕特里克在茶几旁被不少人围住。剑桥国际

