
单词 imagine
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-placed〕I imagine he thought you were better-placed than most to know the truth.我想他认为你所处的位置使你比大多数人都更了解真相。柯林斯高阶〔CAREFUL〕Our accountant is very meticulous about his work. I can't imagine him ever making a mistake. 我们的会计对于自己的工作一丝不苟,我想象不出他会出错。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The software provides more than enough tools to make just about any object you might imagine. 这个软件有很多种工具,几乎是能够想象得到的任何东西都能绘制。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕Imagine our delight when we saw your article in the New Yorker. 我们在《纽约客》上看到你的文章,你想我们有多高兴啊。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕For a while she imagined that she was a rich woman, living in a beautiful house. 有一阵子她想象着自己是个有钱的女人,住在一幢漂亮的房子里。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕From the description Janet gave in her letter it was easy to imagine what her new apartment was like. 根据珍妮特在信中的描述,很容易想象出她的新公寓是什么样子。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕I can't imagine anyone wearing clothes that colour. 我不能想象谁会穿那种颜色的衣服。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Just imagine having to spend the rest of your life in jail. 想象一下得在监狱中度过余生的滋味。朗文写作活用〔IMAGINE〕Try to imagine a room as big as a football field. 试着想象一间像一个足球场那么大的房间。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕It's fascinating to imagine what might have happened if the US had stayed out of World War II. 想象一下如果美国不加入第二次世界大战的话会发生什么情况是很有趣的。朗文写作活用〔Let's〕Let's imagine what the world would be like with no war.咱们来设想一下,要是没有战争,世界将会是什么样的。韦氏高阶〔MORE〕Imagine a device that could send a signal at a speed greater than the speed of light. 想象一下有一种能够以大于光速的速度发出信号的装置。朗文写作活用〔Never in my wildest dreams〕Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would be so much fun.我做梦也没想到这会如此有趣。韦氏高阶〔POSSIBLE〕It was the best vacation you could possibly imagine. 这是你能想象得到的最好的休假。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕Can you imagine paying all that money to see an opera, and then sleeping through the whole thing? 你能想象吗?花了那么多钱去看歌剧,却从头到尾都在睡觉!朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I imagine she's stuck in a traffic jam or something. 我猜想她是遇到交通阻塞或什么事了。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕How such a stupid man ever got to be a politician, I just can't imagine. 这么愚蠢的人居然成了政治家,我就是想不通。朗文写作活用〔USE〕He's such a nice man, I could imagine him getting manipulated into a situation like that. 他是如此好心肠的人,我想象得出他是受人左右陷入了那样的局面。朗文写作活用〔VERY〕Your house is very different from the way I'd imagined it. 你家与我想象的很不一样。朗文写作活用〔alone〕I couldn't imagine why he would want to be alone with me.我想象不出为什么他会想和我独处。柯林斯高阶〔anyplace〕I can't imagine living anyplace else now.我现在其他什么地方都不想住。朗文当代〔anything〕Spending Christmas with him and his brother - I can't imagine anything worse! 跟他兄弟俩一起过圣诞节?我可想象不出比这更糟糕的事了!剑桥高阶〔association〕A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.回忆或遐想:指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉美国传统〔at close quarters/range〕When you see famous people at close quarters, they always appear much smaller than you imagined them.近距离看名人时,他们看起来往往比你想象的要平凡得多。剑桥高阶〔begin〕You can't begin to imagine how much that saddens me.你根本无法想象那让我多么难过。外研社新世纪〔blackness〕Just imagine the vileness and blackness of his sin! 请想想,他的罪孽性质是多么卑鄙恶劣!英汉大词典〔changeless〕Surrounded by this changeless landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many thousands of years ago.置身于这永恒不变的风景之中,可以想象出好几千年前世界是什么样子的。剑桥高阶〔circumstance〕I can't imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.我无法想象我什么时候会想去偷东西。朗文当代〔confer〕Never imagine that rank confers genuine authority.绝对不要幻想那个头衔会有实权。柯林斯高阶〔conscience〕It's hard to imagine how people live with a guilty conscience.内疚;愧疚麦克米伦高阶〔contented〕I can't imagine a more contented family anywhere.我想象不出什么地方还会有更心满意足的家庭了。麦克米伦高阶〔define〕In the dictionary, "reality" is defined as "the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be".在本词典中,“reality(现实)”被解释为 “the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be(事物存在的状况,而非其想象中的状态)”。剑桥高阶〔disappointment〕You can imagine my disappointment at finding all the plants damaged by caterpillars.你可以想象我发现所有植物被毛毛虫损害时的失望之情。牛津搭配〔dismay〕Imagine my dismay when I saw his picture in the paper.想象一下在报纸上看到他的照片时我有多惊愕。牛津搭配〔doubly〕It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.无论何时,露宿街头的滋味都是难以想象的,更何况是在现在这么冷的天气下。柯林斯高阶〔drive-in〕I imagined us going to drive-in movies.我想象着我们去汽车电影院。外研社新世纪〔envision〕To picture in the mind; imagine.想象:脑海中的图象;想象美国传统〔exchange〕I imagined our friendly exchanges at the coffee machine becoming a little more terse in future weeks.我觉得再过几个星期我们在咖啡机旁的友好交谈就会变得更简短一些。外研社新世纪〔extreme〕It is hard to imagine Lineker capable of anything so extreme.很难想象莱恩克尔能做出如此极端的事情。柯林斯高阶〔extremity〕The extremity of her grief is impossible to imagine.她的极度痛苦是他人难以想象的。韦氏高阶〔fantasize〕To portray in the mind; imagine.幻想;想象美国传统〔feedback〕The writer gets no immediate feedback and simply has to imagine the reader's reaction.作家没有得到即时的反馈,只能想象读者的反应。牛津搭配〔feign〕Archaic To invent or imagine.【古语】 创造或虚构美国传统〔fondly〕His parents fondly imagined that he would continue the family business.他的父母天真地以为他将继承家族产业。麦克米伦高阶〔fondly〕I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.我天真地以为外科手术就是缝几针, 然后在医院里住上一宿。外研社新世纪〔fondly〕I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.我天真地以为外科手术就是缝几针,然后在医院里熬一个晚上。柯林斯高阶〔gaga〕I can't imagine why Susan is so gaga about him.我想不出苏珊为什么对他这么痴迷。朗文当代〔get ... out of〕Don't imagine that I'm going to get a huge profit out of this deal.别认为我会从这笔生意中得到一大笔钱。21世纪英汉〔go〕We can't really imagine what they're going through.我们难以想象他们所正在经历的。麦克米伦高阶〔head〕The guy's obviously off his head if he imagines he can get away with it.那家伙要是还想着能逃脱处罚, 他肯定是疯了。外研社新世纪〔horror〕Imagine my horror when I discovered I'd be working for my ex-wife.我发现自己将要为前妻工作,想象一下多么吓人。牛津搭配〔how〕I can't imagine how he escaped from prison.我想不通他是如何逃狱的。文馨英汉〔idyll〕She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn't the rural idyll she imagined.她发现她搬进的这个寂静小镇并非她想象中的乡间田园。柯林斯高阶〔imagine〕Imagine (that) you're eating ice cream - try to feel how cold it is.设想你在吃冰激凌——试着体会一下它有多么冷。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕Imagine Robert Redford when he was young - that's what John looks like.想象一下罗伯特‧雷德福年轻时的样子——那就是约翰的模样。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕Imagine doing a horrible job like that! 想象一下做那种可怕的工作吧!朗文当代〔imagine〕Imagine my surprise when they announced I had won! 想想他们宣布我获胜时,我有多惊喜啊!麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕Imagine spending all that money on a coat! 花那么多钱买一件大衣,真是匪夷所思!剑桥高阶〔imagine〕Imagine that you are relaxing on the beach.设想你正在海滩上放松身心。韦氏高阶〔imagine〕Imagine that you have just won a million pounds.想象一下你刚刚赢得一百万英镑。朗文当代〔imagine〕Imagine what it would be like.想像一下是什么情形。牛津同义词〔imagine〕Imagine you're lying on a beach.设想你躺在沙滩上。外研社新世纪〔imagine〕Imagine yourself to be on a desert island.设想一下你身处荒岛的情形。21世纪英汉〔imagine〕Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years? 你能想像得出干了 20 年之后被辞退会是什么样的滋味吗?牛津高阶〔imagine〕Can you imagine what it's like when it's really hot out here in Delhi? 你能想象在酷热的德里这儿生活是什么样子吗?朗文当代〔imagine〕Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest.闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。牛津高阶〔imagine〕He asked us to imagine a world without poverty or war.他要我们设想一个没有贫穷和战争的世界。韦氏高阶〔imagine〕He had never imagined that digging was such hard work.他从来没想到挖掘是这么艰难的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕He loved to imagine himself as the hero.他喜欢把自己想象成男主人公。牛津搭配〔imagine〕He was always quick to avenge insults, real or imagined.他睚眦必报,不管那侮辱是真实的还是臆想的。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I imagine (that) he's under a lot of pressure at the moment.我猜想他现在面临的压力一定很大。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕I imagine he'll come.我料想他会来。英汉大词典〔imagine〕I imagine it will snow at some point today.我认为今天某个时候会下雪。韦氏高阶〔imagine〕I imagine not我不那样想/我猜想不是那样外研社新世纪〔imagine〕I imagine so我想是的/我猜想是那样外研社新世纪〔imagine〕I imagine you're referring to Jean-Paul Sartre.我猜你说的是让-保罗·萨特。柯林斯高阶〔imagine〕I imagine you're right.我猜你是对的美国传统〔imagine〕I imagine you’d like a drink.我猜想你要来杯酒。牛津同义词〔imagine〕I always imagined him following in his father's footsteps.我一直以为他会子承父业。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I can imagine him really angry.我可以想像得出他怒气冲冲的样子。牛津高阶〔imagine〕I can hardly imagine such a scene.我无法想像出这样的情景。21世纪英汉〔imagine〕I can't imagine (= I really don't know) what he wants from us.我想不出他想从我们这儿得到些什么。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕I can't imagine you being unfair to anyone, Leigh.利,我想象不出你会对谁不公正。柯林斯高阶〔imagine〕I can't imagine you being unkind to anyone.我无法想象你会对任何人不好。外研社新世纪〔imagine〕I can't actually imagine her falling for that trick.我真想象不到她竟然上了那个当。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I cannot imagine who he is.我想不出他是谁。21世纪英汉〔imagine〕I cannot imagine whom you mean.我猜不出你指的是谁。英汉大词典〔imagine〕I could clearly imagine the scene in the office.我可以清楚地想象出办公室里的场景。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I could hardly imagine living in such a remote and desolate spot.在这样一个偏远、荒凉的地方生活,我几乎无法想象。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I couldn't fully imagine what it could be.我不能完全想象出那会是什么样子。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I had fondly imagined that riding a mule would be easy.我曾经天真地以为骑骡子很容易。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I started to imagine what he might say.我开始设想他会说些什么。牛津搭配〔imagine〕I think I can imagine what happened.我认为我想象得出发生了什么事。外研社新世纪〔imagine〕I've never heard her criticize you - I think you imagine it.我从来没有听见她批评过你——我想你在胡思乱想。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕It is difficult to imagine a world without money.一个没有货币的世界是难以想象的。牛津搭配〔imagine〕It's difficult, I imagine, to keep your interest alive after doing the job for 30 years.我猜想要对一份干了30年的工作依然保持兴趣是很难的。麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕It's hard to imagine what it would be like to be so wealthy.很难想象如此富有会是什么样。韦氏高阶〔imagine〕Just imagine going all that way for nothing! 真没想到白白地走了那么多的路!朗文当代〔imagine〕Perhaps she'd never really been there at all – perhaps she'd just imagined it.可能她从未到过那儿 — 也许这都是她的幻想。朗文当代〔imagine〕She imagines herself to be a true artist.她幻想自己成了一个真正的艺术家美国传统〔imagine〕She could just imagine her mother's look of horror.她完全可以想象出母亲脸上恐惧的表情。牛津搭配〔imagine〕She got married at 16! Imagine that! 她16岁就结婚了!不可思议!剑桥高阶〔imagine〕She had imagined that the doctor would be male.她原本以为会是个男医生。朗文当代〔imagine〕She now earns over 20 million dollars a film! Just imagine that! 她现在每部影片赚两千多万美元!想象一下吧!麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕She tried to imagine the scene.她努力想象那场面。麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕Somehow I can't imagine him without a beard.不知为什么,我就是无法想象他没有胡子的样子。朗文当代〔imagine〕The artist is free to imagine anything she pleases.艺术家可以任凭想象自由驰骋。牛津搭配〔imagine〕The company will do better next year, I imagine.我认为,这家公司来年会做得更好。韦氏高阶〔imagine〕The house was just as she had imagined it.这房子正如她所想像的。牛津高阶〔imagine〕The house was just as she had imagined it.这房子正是她所想像的。牛津高阶〔imagine〕They hadn't imagined (= expected) (that) it would be so difficult.他们没想到会这么难。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕Try to imagine life without a television.设想一下没有电视的生活吧。外研社新世纪〔imagine〕We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper.我们往往认为维多利亚时代的人们都一本正经,谨言慎行。柯林斯高阶〔imagine〕You can imagine how I felt!你可以想象我的感受是怎么样的!外研社新世纪〔imagine〕You can imagine how angry I was! 你能想象我当时有多生气!朗文当代〔imagine〕You can imagine what the newspapers would do if they ever found out about this.你可以想象一旦报界发现这事,他们会怎么做。麦克米伦高阶〔imagine〕You can't imagine what a mess the house was in after the party.你简直想象不到聚会之后屋内有多乱。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕You can't imagine what a terrible week we had.你想象不到我们经历了多么可怕的一个星期。朗文当代〔jealous〕I can't imagine my wife making me jealous.我无法想象妻子会让我心生猜忌。外研社新世纪〔joy〕Imagine our joy when we saw each other again.想象一下我们再次见面时的那种快乐。牛津搭配〔just〕Just imagine how silly she'll feel when she realizes that she was wrong.试想一下,一旦她意识到自己错了,会觉得自己有多傻。韦氏高阶〔kindly〕It is hard to imagine her taking kindly to too much interference.很难想象她会喜欢被人过多地干涉。柯林斯高阶〔life〕In real life(= when she met him)he wasn't how she had imagined him at all.一见面才发现他完全不是她所想像的那样。牛津高阶〔might〕As you might imagine, the Conservatives are delighted at Blair's embarrassment.不出所料,保守党对布莱尔的窘境感到幸灾乐祸。麦克米伦高阶〔millennial〕Millennials have grown up with the internet and can't imagine a world without it.千禧世代在互联网环境中长大,无法想象没有互联网的世界会是什么样的。剑桥高阶〔mind's eye〕The inherent mental ability to imagine or remember scenes.心目中:想象或记住景物的内在思维能力美国传统〔mind〕He earns £2000 a week! Can you imagine it? The mind boggles. 他一星期赚2000英镑! 你能想象吗? 真是令人难以相信啊。英汉大词典〔mind〕It was something she had never imagined, not even in the deepest recesses of her mind.即便在她的内心隐秘处,她都从未想过这件事。牛津搭配〔miscarriage of justice〕I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.我想象不出比处死无辜的人更加严重的误判了。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕She had never for one moment imagined that it could happen to her.她压根儿没想到这样的事会发生在自己身上。朗文当代〔mortification〕Imagine my mortification when I realized who she was! 想象一下当我认出她是谁时,我有多尴尬!韦氏高阶〔move〕I can't imagine what could have moved him to say such a thing.我想象不出是什么促使他说了这种话。剑桥高阶〔neurosis〕She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm.她对化学品有神经症,认为它们无处不在地伤害着自己。柯林斯高阶〔neurosis〕She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm.她对化学品神经过敏, 认为它们无处不在, 危害自己。外研社新世纪〔none〕No one could imagine a great woman painter. None had existed yet.没有谁能想象出一位伟大的女画家是什么样子。这样的画家还没有出现过。柯林斯高阶〔not/never in your wildest dreams〕Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day I would run a marathon.我从来没有想过有一天我居然也能跑马拉松。剑桥高阶〔outrage〕You can imagine our outrage when we heard what he’d done.你可以想像我们听到他干的事后有多愤怒。牛津同义词〔pass ... up〕Imagine passing up an offer like that!真想不到竟放弃这样好的条件!21世纪英汉〔pass〕Imagine passing up an offer like that! 真想不到居然放弃人家提供的大好机会!牛津高阶〔pass〕He couldn't imagine why he had let so much time pass without contacting her.他想不通自己为什么过了那么长时间还没有和她联系。柯林斯高阶〔pounding〕Imagine the pounding feet of an early morning jogger.想象一下清早慢跑者轻快有力的脚步。外研社新世纪〔primly〕We tend to imagine that the Victorians were very prim and proper.我们倾向于把维多利亚时代的人想象得非常古板、中规中矩。柯林斯高阶〔purge〕It's hard to imagine now that Lawrence's novels were purged from public libraries.劳伦斯的小说曾被从公共图书馆清走,现在很难理解。朗文当代〔rant〕Ned paced back and forth, ranting about some imagined injustice.内德来回踱步,怒气冲冲地抱怨一些想象出来的不公平的事。麦克米伦高阶〔rave〕She was ranting and raving about some imagined insult.她臆想有人侮辱她便大骂大叫。剑桥高阶〔recovered memory〕An imagined event believed to be recalled as such a memory.想象事件:被认为是当做这种记忆来回想的想象事件美国传统〔ruffle〕You can imagine how that ruffled Beryl's feathers! 你可以想象那件事让贝里尔多生气!麦克米伦高阶〔rumpus〕Can you imagine the rumpus if you or I had done what he did?要是我或你做了他做过的事, 想想会吵成什么样子呢?外研社新世纪〔run〕In the short run, I imagine things will get considerably worse.我认为短期来看情况会变得非常糟糕。外研社新世纪〔scenario〕Imagine a scenario where only 20% of people have a job.设想一下这种情况: 只有 20% 的人有工作。朗文当代〔shoe〕Don't be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their shoes (= imagine what it would feel like to be in their situation) .别生他们的气,要设身处地为他们想想。朗文当代〔size〕It's hard to imagine the canyon's size until you see it in person.这峡谷之大如非亲眼所见很难想象。韦氏高阶〔solitude〕Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.想象一下那长长的金色海滩吧,在那里你可以独自徜徉。柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕Imagine my surprise when I found out he wasn't really a doctor.发现他并不是医生,我非常吃惊。牛津搭配〔surprise〕Imagine our surprise when he walked into the room! 你想像一下,他走进房间时,我们多么惊奇!牛津高阶〔taste〕He has terrible taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.他的品位极差,你大概可以想象出他家是什么样子。剑桥高阶〔tear down〕I imagine they'll be tearing the building down sooner or later.我猜他们早晚会拆除这座楼的。柯林斯高阶〔think〕I imagine we'll all be thinking the same things tonight.我猜想我们今晚都将会想同样的事。麦克米伦高阶〔upon〕I imagined the eyes of the others in the room upon me.我觉得屋里其他人似乎都在盯着我。柯林斯高阶〔vantage point〕From our vantage point in the 21st century, it is difficult to imagine life without computers.站在21世纪的节点上看,我们很难想象没有电脑的生活。韦氏高阶〔windmill〕To confront and engage in conflict with an imagined opponent or threat.与假想的对手作战:面对假想的敌人或威胁;同假想的敌人或威胁作战美国传统〔world〕Many people imagine the world ending with an explosion.许多人都猜想世界会在一场大爆炸中终结。牛津搭配〔would〕I would imagine she's quite lonely living on her own.我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。柯林斯高阶〔would〕I would imagine the job will take about two days.我猜想这工作大概需要两天左右的时间吧。牛津高阶〔would〕Iwould imagine she's at work.我想她可能在上班。麦克米伦高阶Imagine (that) you're eating an ice cream--try and feel how cold it is. [+ (that) clause] 想象你在吃冰淇淋----试着感觉一下它多么沁人。剑桥国际Imagine leaving her husband and going off with a man 20 years younger than her! 她离开丈夫和一个比她小20岁的男人私奔,真难以想象!剑桥国际Imagine that bananas are priced off (= in relation to) apples.试想一下根据苹果的价格对香蕉进行定价。牛津商务Imagine the joyful scene when they were reunited with their lost daughter. 他们与丢失的女儿团聚时的场面该多么欢乐。译典通Can you imagine how proud of herself she'll be if she gets this job--she'll be unbearable! 你能想象如果她得到这工作会多么自豪吗----她将让人受不了。剑桥国际Eleanor thinks Richard is the bee's knees, though I can't imagine why.埃莉诺认为理查德是最了不起的,可是我不明白为什么。剑桥国际He could well imagine how much his promise was going to cost him.他完全能想象他要为自己的诺言付出多大代价。剑桥国际I imagine (=think) (that) San Francisco must be a wonderful place to live. [+ (that) clause] 我想旧金山肯定是个居住的好地方。剑桥国际I can't imagine what could have moved him to say such a thing.我无法想象是什么促使他说了这样的话。剑桥国际I can't imagine why that hulking great building was allowed to be built.我不能想象会批准建造如此巨大的建筑物。剑桥国际I like the house but I don't imagine I'll live there forever.我喜欢那房子,不过我没想过要在里面住一辈子。剑桥国际I would imagine there are some people we need to speak to before we make definite arrangements.我想到,在我们做出明确的安排之前,需要同一些人谈一谈。剑桥国际I'd imagine that clothes made out of plastic have a rather limited appeal (= are not very popular) .我猜想塑料做的衣服是不大会受欢迎的。剑桥国际I'd never imagined someone's life could be so empty of (= lacking) happiness.我从不曾想到有的人生活竟会如此缺少幸福。剑桥国际It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe. 宇宙的广大很难想像。译典通It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。译典通Johnny was late home and, as usual, I had visions of him (= anxiously imagined him) lying dead in some alley.强尼回家晚了,而我又像平常一样幻想着他躺在某一条小巷里死了。剑桥国际Now we're going to turn back the clock (=remember or imagine times in the past) with some rock’n’ roll from the 1950s.现在我们要追溯回顾五十年代的摇滚乐的一些情况。剑桥国际She imagined herself living in fairyland.她想象自己住在仙界里。剑桥国际She imagined herself sitting in her favourite armchair back home.她想像正坐在家中自己最喜欢的扶手椅上。剑桥国际She got married at 16! Imagine (that)! 她16岁结婚!不可思议!剑桥国际She sniffed at my new job, saying she couldn't imagine why I would want to do it.她对我的新工作嗤之以鼻,还说她不明白为什么我会干这份工作。剑桥国际She wears the most hideous colour combinations you could ever imagine.你所能想象到的最难看的颜色搭配就穿在她身上。剑桥国际She's the sort of person you can imagine snooping about/around your room when you're not there.她是那种趁你不在偷看你房间的人。剑桥国际Spending Christmas with him and his brother--I can't imagine anything worse! 跟他和他弟弟一块过圣诞节----我想不出还有什么比这更糟糕的事了。剑桥国际Surrounded by this changeless landscape, one can imagine the world as it was many thousands of years ago.给这种一成不变的风景环绕着,一个人能想象世界在好几千年前是什么样子。剑桥国际The work is not so difficult as you imagine. 这工作不像你想像的那么困难。译典通They hadn't imagined (=expected) (that) it would be so difficult. [+ (that) clause] 他们没有想到会是这么难。剑桥国际This vicious attack shows him to be even more dangerous than we had imagined.这次带恶意的攻击表明他比我们想象的还要危险。剑桥国际Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man (= all the people who lived in the Neolithic period) 10 000 years ago.试想一下1万年前新石器人的生活。剑桥国际We saw fantastically painted cycle rickshaws (= painted with imagined things).我们看到了画着奇异图案的人力三轮车。剑桥国际With parents that strict I don't imagine she ever really had a youth.有着那么严厉的父母,我想她从未有过真正的青春。剑桥国际You can't imagine what it would be like to have your child die--it's quite unthinkable.你无法想象让自己孩子死会是什么感觉----那是不可思议的。剑桥国际You can/can't imagine what a mess the house was in after the party (=it was extremely untidy).你想象不出晚会之后屋内有多乱。剑桥国际You're a lousy, two-timing snake in the grass and I can't imagine why I ever married you.你是个讨厌、不忠、不可信赖的人,我真不明白我为什么会和你结婚。剑桥国际

