
单词 hackneyed
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USE〕All those slogans we used to chant sound so hackneyed now. 我们以前喊的那些口号现在听来都这么陈腐。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again. 政客往往会一遍又一遍地重复那些同样的套话。朗文写作活用〔formula〕An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression.客套话:常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白;陈腐的语句美国传统〔hackneyed〕Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.权力导致腐败, 绝对权力导致绝对腐败。这虽是老生常谈, 但却是真理。外研社新世纪〔hackneyed〕Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.权力导致腐败,绝对权力导致绝对腐败。这虽是老生常谈,但却是真理。柯林斯高阶〔hackneyed〕The plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.这部电影的情节只不过是一个俗套的爱情故事。剑桥高阶〔hack〕To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.使…变陈腐:因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐美国传统〔musty〕Hackneyed or trite; dull.陈腐的:陈腐的或者平凡的;乏味的美国传统〔poeticism〕A poetic expression that is hackneyed, archaic, or excessively artificial.陈腐的诗语:平庸的、陈旧的或过分矫饰的诗歌表达法美国传统〔trite〕Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.陈腐的,老一套的:因久用或重复而失去引起兴趣的力量的,老生常谈的美国传统〔warhorse〕Informal A musical or dramatic work that has been performed so often that it has become hackneyed.【非正式用语】 (戏曲中的)老调陈词:乐曲或戏剧中被频繁表演以至于变得陈腐的作品美国传统〔well-worn〕Repeated too often; trite or hackneyed.陈腐的:重复太多的;陈词或滥调的美国传统The plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.这部电影的情节只是一个陈俗套旧的恋爱故事。剑桥国际

