
单词 bushy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕Her husband was a fine figure of a man - tall, broad-chested and with a bushy black moustache. 她的丈夫相貌堂堂——个子高高,胸膛宽阔,胡子乌黑浓密。朗文写作活用〔Maine coon〕A large long-haired cat of a breed native to North America, having a bushy tapered tail and often a full ruff.缅因浣熊:北美洲人工繁殖的大型长毛猫科动物,有多毛的尖细尾巴和浓密的美国传统〔as〕Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails.有些动物,诸如狐和松鼠,有蓬毛尾巴。英汉大词典〔beard〕Charlie's bushy black beard.查利乌黑浓密的胡须柯林斯高阶〔beard〕Charlie's bushy black beard查利浓密的黑胡子外研社新世纪〔bush bean〕Any bean plant with an upright, bushy growth not requiring an artificial support.矮菜豆:任何一种向上丛生且无需人工支撑的豆类植物美国传统〔bushy〕A fox has a long bushy tail.狐狸有毛茸茸的长尾巴。麦克米伦高阶〔bush〕To extend in a bushy growth.丛生:象灌木丛一样延伸美国传统〔eyebrow〕He has very bushy eyebrows.他的眉毛很浓密。麦克米伦高阶〔eyebrow〕He's got really bushy (= thick) eyebrows.他的眉毛很浓。剑桥高阶〔growth〕Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以使植株长得紧凑浓密。外研社新世纪〔growth〕Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以便让它们长得紧凑浓密,呈丛生状。柯林斯高阶〔moustache〕Her fiancé sported a bushy moustache.她的未婚夫留着浓密的小胡子。牛津搭配〔pinch out〕Pinch out the tips of bushy herbs like basil to encourage the plants to thicken out.修剪罗勒等灌木药材使其生长得更加茂盛。外研社新世纪〔tod〕A bushy clump, as of ivy.簇:灌林丛,如常青藤美国传统〔walrus mustache〕A bushy, drooping mustache.海象式胡子:指浓密的、下垂的胡须美国传统He glared at me from under his bushy eyebrows.他的眼睛从那浓密的眉毛下怒视着我。剑桥国际Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails. 有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。译典通We could see a squirrel's bushy tail sticking out from behind the tree's trunk.我们能看见松鼠那毛茸茸的尾巴从树干后伸出来。剑桥国际

