
单词 bulge
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STICK OUT〕At five months pregnant, the bulge was beginning to show. 怀孕五个月的时候,鼓起的肚子就开始显出来了。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Father's face was flushed, and his eyes bulged out. 父亲满脸通红,双眼凸出。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts. 她的手提包鼓鼓囊囊,有钥匙、香烟、碎纸片和旧收据。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕Her tailored suit fitted neatly, hiding the slight bulges of middle-age. 她这身订做的衣服非常合身,把人到中年微微发福的体态掩盖了起来。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕His cheeks bulged, and his face turned purple with rage. 他气得鼓起了脸颊,脸色铁青。朗文写作活用〔THICK〕The children's fat Christmas stockings bulged with surprises. 孩子们那鼓鼓囊囊的圣诞长统袜内满是意外的惊喜。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Tight bras and knickers can cause unsightly bulges under close-fitting clothes. 紧绷的胸罩和短衬裤使紧身的衣服撑得胀鼓鼓的,十分不雅。朗文写作活用〔bag〕The bag bulged with papers and letters.包里鼓鼓囊囊地塞满了文件和信件。牛津搭配〔bag〕To cause to bulge like a pouch.使鼓胀:使象囊一样鼓出美国传统〔bag〕To swell out; bulge.鼓胀:鼓出来;膨胀隆起美国传统〔bilge〕To bulge or swell.突出或膨胀美国传统〔buckle〕An instance of bending, warping, or crumpling; a bend or bulge.弯曲,褶皱;鼓胀美国传统〔bug〕To make (the eyes) bulge or grow large.(使眼球)暴突或变大美国传统〔bulge out〕Her stomach bulged out.她的肚子突了出来。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕After the war there was a bulge in the birth rate.战后出生率激增。牛津高阶〔bulge〕Books bulged his briefcase.书把他的公事包鼓得满满的。英汉大词典〔bulge〕Cookies bulged his box.糕饼把他的盒子塞得满满的。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕He bulges out of his black T-shirt.他的肚子在黑色T恤衫下鼓鼓地挺着。柯林斯高阶〔bulge〕His biceps bulged as he lifted the weights.他举起重物时二头肌鼓了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔bulge〕His eyes bulge like a toad's.他的眼睛像癞蛤蟆的眼睛一样向外鼓起。外研社新世纪〔bulge〕His eyes bulged.他双眼凸出。牛津高阶〔bulge〕His eyes seemed to bulge like those of a toad.他的眼睛鼓得像癞蛤蟆。柯林斯高阶〔bulge〕His face turned white and his eyes bulged.他脸色煞白,双眼凸出。韦氏高阶〔bulge〕His stomach bulged out over his belt.他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.我想知道她大衣口袋里鼓鼓的是什么东西。剑桥高阶〔bulge〕I'm exercising to get rid of this bulge around my middle.我正在锻炼,想把腰上的赘肉去掉。韦氏高阶〔bulge〕More convictions are leading to a bulge in the prison population.定罪更多导致坐牢人数有所增加。麦克米伦高阶〔bulge〕She was only three months pregnant but already had a slight bulge.她怀孕仅3个月但肚子已经有点鼓起了。麦克米伦高阶〔bulge〕That skirt's too tight. It shows all your bulges.那条裙子太紧了,把你的发胖部位全显出来了。牛津高阶〔bulge〕The Christmas stocking bulged with goodies.圣诞节袜子里塞满了好吃的东西。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨美国传统〔bulge〕The box bulged with cookies.盒子鼓鼓囊囊装满了甜饼。英汉大词典〔bulge〕The briefcase bulged with papers.公文包装满了文件。21世纪英汉〔bulge〕The bruise made a discoloured bulge under his skin.他的皮肤因受挫伤而在皮下出现变色的肿块。牛津同义词〔bulge〕The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate.图表显示出生率的暴增。英汉大词典〔bulge〕The gun caused a bulge in his jacket.(藏在衣服内的)枪使他的上衣鼓出一块。英汉大词典〔bulge〕The gun made a bulge under his jacket.手枪从他的夹克里面鼓了出来。朗文当代〔bulge〕The sails bulged in the wind.帆在风里鼓起来了。牛津同义词〔bulge〕Their bags bulged with books and papers.他们的包里塞满了书和文件。韦氏高阶〔bulge〕There was a bulge in spending in the early part of the year.年初时开支曾出现突然上涨。剑桥高阶〔bulge〕Why won't those bulges on your hips and thighs go?你臀部和大腿上的赘肉为什么下不去呢?外研社新世纪〔bulge〕You've got the bulge on me.你赢了我。英汉大词典〔bump〕A raised or rounded spot; a bulge.肿块:一个突起的或圆形的点;肿瘤美国传统〔convex〕Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere.凸起的:具有向外弯曲或凸出的表面或边界的,如球体的外表面美国传统〔eye〕His eyes bulged in fury.他气得眼珠子都凸了出来。牛津搭配〔fat〕Rolls of fat bulged over his collar.他的衣领上鼓出了一圈圈的胖肉来。朗文当代〔goggle〕To roll or bulge (the eyes).转动眼珠或瞪眼美国传统〔goggle〕To roll or bulge. Used of the eyes.转动眼珠:转动眼珠或瞪眼。用作描述眼睛美国传统〔help〕The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.款式合适的泳衣可以帮助遮盖赘肉。外研社新世纪〔meningocele〕A moderately severe form of spina bifida in which the meninges protrude, causing a bulge under the skin.脊髓突出:中度严重的脊柱碎裂导致脊髓突出造成皮肤下层鼓起美国传统〔pointing〕Cracks, bulges, crumbling pointing and damp patches mean trouble.裂缝、凸起、剥落的勾缝和湿斑都意味着存在问题。柯林斯高阶〔protuberance〕Something, such as a bulge, knob, or swelling, that protrudes.凸起物:某些突出的东西,比如肿涨、圆节或肿块美国传统〔protuberate〕To swell or bulge.隆起或鼓起美国传统〔socket〕His eyes bulged in their sockets.他的两眼从眼窝里鼓出来。牛津高阶〔socket〕His eyes bulged madly in their sockets.他的眼球从眼窝里鼓出来,鼓得厉害。牛津搭配〔start〕To protrude or bulge.突出或鼓起美国传统〔swell〕A swollen part; a bulge or protuberance.肿胀部分;凸出;隆起美国传统〔swell〕To bulge out, as a sail.(船帆)鼓起美国传统〔unsightly〕No pockets so no unsightly bulges.没有口袋, 所以就没有碍眼的凸起。外研社新世纪Flesh bulged out where the elasticated clothing was too tight.有弹性的衣服太紧时,肉就会鼓出来。剑桥国际He bulged his cheeks roundly. 他把两颊鼓得圆圆的。译典通Her eyes bulged in surprise when she saw the house.当看见那幢房子时,她惊讶得眼睛都瞪出来了。剑桥国际I wondered what the bulge (= swelling) in her coat pocket was.我想知道她外衣口袋里鼓起的东西是什么。剑桥国际The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。译典通The gun he carried caused a bulge in his jacket. 他携带的枪使他的衣服鼓起来一块。译典通There was a bulge (= sudden increase that soon returned to the usual level) in spending in the early part of the year.年初时费用曾突然上涨。剑桥国际

