
单词 clot
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔admit〕He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.他昨天入院治疗肺部的血块。柯林斯高阶〔block〕Blood clots have completely/partially blocked one of his arteries.血块将他的一条动脉完全/部分堵塞了。韦氏高阶〔blood clot〕She had a blood clot in her lungs.她的肺里有个血块。韦氏高阶〔brain〕He was found to have a blood clot on his brain.他的脑部发现有血块。牛津搭配〔cause〕Most heart attacks are caused by blood clots.大多数心脏病发作都是由于血液凝块所致。剑桥高阶〔clog〕A typical heart attack from a cholesterol clog or blood clot would not have torn those fibres.由胆固醇栓塞或者血凝块引起的典型心脏病发作是不会撕裂这些纤维的。外研社新世纪〔clog〕To thicken or stick together; clot.凝结:稠结或粘在一起;粘块美国传统〔clot〕He developed a blood clot on his brain and died.他脑部出现血块死了。朗文当代〔clot〕He had a blood clot removed from his brain.他颅内的一个血块被取了出来。剑桥高阶〔clot〕He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.他需要进行紧急手术以清除脑部的一处血块。柯林斯高阶〔clot〕Milk clots when it turns sour.牛奶变酸就会结成块。英汉大词典〔clot〕That's what it's supposed to look like, you clot.本来就该是那个样子的, 你这个笨蛋。外研社新世纪〔clot〕The blood will continue to ooze for some time before a clot forms.血液会继续渗出一段时间, 直到形成血凝块。外研社新世纪〔clot〕The patient's blood refused to clot.病人的血液无法凝结。外研社新世纪〔clot〕The patient's blood refused to clot.病人的血液无法凝结。柯林斯高阶〔clot〕They removed a clot from his brain.他们从他的大脑里取出了血块。牛津高阶〔clot〕To fill or cover with or as if with clots.堵塞:用或好象用团块充填或覆盖美国传统〔clot〕To form into a clot or clots; coagulate.凝结:形成一或几团;凝结美国传统〔clot〕We were told that his stroke was caused by a clot in his brain.我们得知,他的中风是由颅内血块引起的。韦氏高阶〔clot〕When you cut yourself, blood clots and forms a scab.你割破了,血会凝固、结痂。牛津同义词〔coagulum〕A coagulated mass, as of blood; a clot.凝结物:凝结的物质,例如血;凝块美国传统〔congeal〕Blood congeals to form a clot.血凝结成块。牛津同义词〔congeal〕The blood had congealed in thick black clots.血液凝成了厚厚的黑血块。剑桥高阶〔dry socket〕A painful inflamed condition at the site of extraction of a tooth that occurs when a blood clot fails to form properly or is dislodged.干槽牙:拔牙后牙窝内血凝块未形成或崩解而引起的疼痛,发炎症状美国传统〔form〕The drug can help prevent blood clots from forming.这种药对防止血栓形成很有帮助。韦氏高阶〔heparin〕Heparin injections are used to prevent blood clots in people undergoing dialysis and surgery.肝素注射是用来防止接受透析或手术的患者体内出现血凝块。剑桥高阶〔life-saving〕She had a life-saving operation to remove a blood clot.她进行了一个救命的手术,把一个血块摘除了。剑桥高阶〔lung〕He had blood clots on the lung.他的肺上面有血块。牛津搭配〔occlude〕Veins can get occluded by blood clots.血管会被凝血块阻塞。剑桥高阶〔streptokinase〕A proteolytic enzyme produced by hemolytic streptococci, capable of dissolving fibrin and used medically to dissolve blood clots.链激酶:由溶血性的链球菌产生的蛋白水解酶,能够分解纤维蛋白,在医学上被用作溶解血凝块美国传统〔supply〕A clot in the brain cut off her blood supply.脑部凝血块阻断了她的大脑供血。牛津搭配〔surgery〕He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot.他接受手术,取出了血块。朗文当代〔survive〕Drugs that dissolve blood clots can help people survive heart attacks.能溶解血栓的药物会有助于治疗心脏病。柯林斯高阶〔survive〕Drugs that dissolve blood clots can help people survive heart attacks.能溶解血液凝块的药物有助于增大心脏病发作后的存活几率。外研社新世纪〔thrombocythaemia〕In some patients with thrombocythemia, blood clots can be a serious problem.在一些患有血小板增多症的病人中,血凝块可能造成很严重的问题。剑桥高阶〔thromboembolism〕The blocking of a blood vessel by a blood clot dislodged from its site of origin.血栓栓塞:血栓脱离其形成位置后阻塞血管美国传统〔thrombophlebitis〕Inflammation of a vein caused by or associated with the formation of a blood clot.血栓性静脉炎:由血栓形成引起或与血栓有关的静脉感染美国传统〔thrombopoiesis〕The process of blood clot formation.血液凝结,形成血小板:血凝块的形成过程美国传统〔thrombosthenin〕A contractile protein in platelets that is active in the formation of blood clots.血栓收缩蛋白:在血栓形成过程中活化的血小板中的收缩蛋白美国传统〔thrombus〕A fibrinous clot formed in a blood vessel or in a chamber of the heart.血栓:在血管或心腔中形成的纤维蛋白血凝块美国传统〔tissue plasminogen activator〕An enzyme that converts plasminogen to plasmin, used to dissolve blood clots rapidly and selectively, especially in the treatment of heart attacks.组织血纤维蛋白酶原激活蛋白:一种把血纤维蛋白酶原转变成血纤维蛋白酶,用于迅速地或有选择地溶解血团,特别是在治疗心脏病时美国传统〔urokinase〕An enzyme in human urine that catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin and is used in medicine to dissolve blood clots.尿激酶:人体尿液中的可促使血将酶原转代成血浆酶的酶,用于溶解血凝块的药物中美国传统A year ago he had a blood clot removed from his brain.他脑内的血块在一年前被取出了。剑桥国际As aspirin prevents the formation of blood clots, it is also used to treat heart attack and stroke victims.由于阿斯匹林可防止凝血形成,它也被用于治疗患有心脏病和中风的病人。剑桥国际Milk clots when it turns sour. 牛奶变酸就会结成块。译典通Scientists have found that the saliva of the vampire bat prevents congealing of the blood and is effective in dissolving blood clots in humans.科学家发现吸血蝙蝠的唾液能够防止血液凝结,对于溶解人体中的血液凝块颇为有效。剑桥国际The blood had congealed in thick black clots around his sharp white teeth.鲜血在他洁白锋利的牙齿边上凝成了厚黑的血块。剑桥国际When cream is churned, clots form. 用搅乳器搅拌时,奶油便凝结成块。译典通

