“change gear”例句

单词 change gear
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔change/shift/switch gears〕He once again changed gears in his career.他又一次改变了自己的职业生涯。韦氏高阶〔change〕The driver tried to change gear, then swerved.司机试图换挡,接着突然转向。柯林斯高阶〔change〕The driver tried to change gear, then swerved.司机试图换挡, 结果突然转向。外研社新世纪〔change〕With business concluded, the convention changes gear and becomes like a huge party.事务处理完后,会议发生了转变,变得像一个大聚会一样。麦克米伦高阶〔engage〕You must engage the clutch in order to change gear.你要踩下离合器才能换挡。外研社新世纪〔gear〕Any cyclist can climb a difficult hill; you just change gear .谁都能骑上难爬的山坡,只要换挡就行了。朗文当代〔gear〕Helen changed gear as she approached the junction.海伦在接近道路交叉口时换了挡。麦克米伦高阶〔gear〕The boss expects us to be able to change gear just like that.老板希望我们能够像那样该出力时就出力。朗文当代〔indicate〕He told us when to indicate and when to change gear.他告诉我们何时打转向灯、何时换挡。柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕He told us when to indicate and when to change gear.他告诉我们何时打转向灯、何时换挡。外研社新世纪〔kangaroo〕It was difficult to change gears so we kangarooed along towards the gate.换挡很困难, 所以我们一路蹿向大门。外研社新世纪〔shift〕To change gears, as when driving an automobile.换档:换档,如在驾驶汽车时美国传统He wants an automatic car so that he doesn't have to change gear all the time.他想要一辆自动汽车,那样就不用总是换档了。剑桥国际Remember to take your foot off the accelerator when you change gear.在你换档时,记住把脚从油门移开。剑桥国际The speaker suddenly changed gear. 演讲者突然改变了调子。译典通

