
单词 completes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Immelmann turn〕A maneuver in which an airplane first completes half a loop and then half a roll in order to gain altitude and change flight direction simultaneously.英莫尔曼翻转:飞机的一种特技动作,先完成半个环状,然后再完成半个翻滚以获得高度并同时改变飞行方向美国传统〔annual〕Botany A plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season.【植物学】 一年生植物:全部生命周期为一个生长季节的美国传统〔capper〕Informal Something that surpasses or completes what has gone before; a finishing touch or finale.【非正式用语】 顶点,极点:超过或完成在其之前已做事物的东西;最后一笔或点睛之笔美国传统〔complement〕Music An interval that completes an octave when added to a given interval.【音乐】 补充音程:特定的音程与全八度音程之间的间隔美国传统〔complement〕Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.补充物:补充物、补足、或使完美美国传统〔completable〕A good brandy completes a fine meal.喝点好白兰地酒才使一顿佳肴完美无缺。21世纪英汉〔complete〕Art completes nature.人工使自然臻于完美。英汉大词典〔complete〕Her latest purchase completes her collection.加上最新购进的,她已集齐整套收藏。韦氏高阶〔cornice〕A horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a building or wall.檐口:顶盖或结束某建筑或墙的一种水平的铸造的凸出物美国传统〔culinary〕A three course dinner completes the culinary delights.做三道菜的一餐就能包含烹饪的所有乐趣。外研社新世纪〔culinary〕A three course dinner completes the culinary delights.做三道菜的一餐就能包含烹饪的所有乐趣。柯林斯高阶〔dismount〕Sports A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet.【体育运动】 下;下法:体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地美国传统〔get by with〕That student never completes his work on time,I don't know how he gets by with it.那个学生从不按时完成作业,我不知道他是如何逃脱处罚的。21世纪英汉〔journey〕There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours.从巴黎有快车前往波尔多,全程不到4个小时。柯林斯高阶〔line-up〕A horror movie completes this evening's TV line-up.今晚电视节目最后安排了一部恐怖影片。牛津高阶〔rightabout〕The resolution completes the policy rightabout.这项决议最终完成了政策的180度大转弯。英汉大词典〔rotation〕The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每一个闰年里,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥高阶〔salchow〕A move in figure skating in which the skater jumps from one skate, completes a full rotation, and lands on the other skate.(花样滑冰中的)后内结环一周跳:花样滑冰中,运动员一脚起跳,完成一周后一脚落地美国传统〔satisfaction〕He won't get paid until he completes the job to my satisfaction.直到工作完成得令我满意,他才能得到报酬。剑桥高阶〔whoever〕Afree gift will be given to whoever completes the questionnaire.免费礼品将送给填妥调查表的人。麦克米伦高阶An automatic washing machine is one which, when it has been switched on, completes a wash without any more human control.自动洗衣机是一种打开开关后不再需任何人工操作就可完成全部洗衣过程的机器。剑桥国际Our washing machine is an automatic (=when it has been filled and switched on, it completes a wash without any more human involvement).我们的洗衣机是一部自动洗衣机。剑桥国际The company closes its books (= completes its financial records) on a quarterly basis.公司每季度结账一次。牛津商务The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每个闰年,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥国际The investor buys through a broker who completes the transaction through a market-maker.投资者通过经纪人购买,而经纪人则通过庄家完成交易。牛津商务

