“main cause”例句

单词 main cause
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕Cigarettes are acknowledged as a serious health risk and the main cause of lung cancer. 香烟被公认为是一种对健康的严重危害,也是导致肺癌的主要原因。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Pollution from cars is the main cause of global warming. 汽车尾气污染是造成全球性气候变暖的主要原因。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕Religious chauvinists have been the main cause of trouble in the province. 宗教沙文主义者是该省问题的主要原因。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕All the evidence points to a fatty diet being the main cause of heart disease in the West. 所有证据都表明高脂肪的饮食是西方国家引发心脏病的主要原因。朗文写作活用〔cot death〕In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.在发达国家,婴儿猝死是一周到一岁的婴儿死亡的主要原因。柯林斯高阶〔dissatisfaction〕Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers.低薪是教师对工作不满的主要原因。柯林斯高阶〔dissatisfaction〕Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers.低工资是造成教师对工作不满的主要原因。外研社新世纪〔patriarchy〕The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.妇女儿童受压迫的主要原因是父权制。柯林斯高阶〔patriarchy〕The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.妇女和儿童受压迫的罪魁祸首是父权制。外研社新世纪〔perinatal〕Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.早产是临产死亡的主要原因。柯林斯高阶〔perinatal〕Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.早产是围生儿死亡的主要原因。外研社新世纪〔sight〕This disease is the main cause of sight loss among those aged 50 and over.该疾病是导致 50 岁及以上人群失明的主要原因。牛津搭配Back injury caused by lifting or bending was the main cause of lost man-hours at the factory.因抬举重物或弯腰导致的背部损伤是工厂工时损失的主要原因。牛津商务Computers seem to be the main cause of work rage.计算机似乎是引发工作愤怒的罪魁祸首。牛津商务Local chauvinism has been the main cause of the fighting.地方主义是争斗的主要原因。剑桥国际Overeating is surely the main cause of obesity.吃得过多肯定是肥胖症的主要原因。剑桥国际She suggested that the main cause of anorexia nervosa is not the cultural desire for slimness, but the stresses of family life.她的见解是,神经性厌食症的主要原因不是追求苗条的文化因素,而是家庭生活的紧张压力。剑桥国际The ossification of the aorta is often the main cause for a stroke. 大动脉硬化是造成脑中风的主因。译典通The programme discussed the main causes of marital breakdown.这档节目探讨了婚姻失败的主要原因。剑桥国际Work overload is one of the main causes of stress.工作超负荷是压力的主要成因之一。牛津商务

