
单词 phases
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Jekyll and Hyde〕One who has a dual personality that alternates between phases of good and evil behavior.吉柯·海德:在善恶之间变化的具有双重人格的人美国传统〔PART〕There are three phases in the lifecycle of a butterfly. 蝴蝶的生命周期要经历三个阶段。朗文写作活用〔ambitious〕Phases 2 and 3 seem overly ambitious.第 2、3 阶段的要求似乎太高了。牛津搭配〔chromomere〕One of the serially aligned beadlike granules of concentrated chromatin that constitutes a chromosome during the early phases of cell division.染色粒:在细胞分裂早期,一条顺序排列的珠状染色质颗粒链构成了染色体美国传统〔collection〕The collection covers all phases of Picasso's career.这一收藏涵盖了毕加索艺术生涯的所有阶段。牛津搭配〔component〕Any of the minimum number of substances required to specify completely the composition of all phases of a chemical system.组分:任一能完全区分各种化学系统所有构成成分所必需的最少量物质美国传统〔dichromatic〕Zoology Having two distinct color phases not associated with season, sex, or age, as do certain species of birds.【动物学】 二色变异:有两种与季节、性别、年龄无关的独特的色相的,如某些种类的鸟美国传统〔diphase〕Having two phases.两相的:有两个相的美国传统〔dross〕I go through phases where everything I write is just dross.有几个时期我写出的东西都是垃圾。外研社新世纪〔dross〕I go through phases where everything I write is just dross.有几段时间我写什么都是垃圾。柯林斯高阶〔freezing point〕The temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance of specified composition are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.凝固温度:特定合成物的液态和固态在大气压力下处于平衡时的温度美国传统〔implementation〕The restructuring will take place in phases, to simplify the implementation process.为了简化实施进程,重建工作将分阶段进行。牛津搭配〔interface〕A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases.界面:在相关区域,实体,物质或阶段之间所形成共同界限的面美国传统〔lunacy〕Archaic Intermittent mental derangement associated with the changing phases of the moon.【古语】 月汐性精神错乱:与月亮的变化周期有关的间歇性的精神错乱美国传统〔moon〕The calendar gives you sunset times as well as moon phases.日历上不仅有月相还有日落时间。牛津搭配〔period〕Physics Astronomy The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event; a cycle.【物理学】 【天文学】 周期:两个连续出现或反复出现的现象或事件间的时间间隔;周期循环美国传统〔phase〕He had phases of worry about his son.他为儿子忧虑重重。英汉大词典〔phase〕It covers all phases of Picasso's work.它记述了毕加索艺术创作的各个时期。英汉大词典〔phase〕The period can be divided into three distinct phases.这一时期可以分为三个截然不同的阶段。牛津搭配〔phase〕The project will be done in three phases.本计划将分三个阶段实施。韦氏高阶〔phase〕The report covers all phases of the programme.这份报告论及计划的所有方面。英汉大词典〔phase〕The work will be carried out in phases.这项工作将分阶段进行。朗文当代〔phase〕To plan or carry out systematically by phases.使分阶段实行:阶段性的系统计划或执行美国传统Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software has become less expensive. 电脑技术从硬体到软体的各个方面都变得较为便宜了。译典通They looked into the various phases of the problem. 他们研究了问题的各个方面。译典通

