
音标: 英 [ɪn'telɪdʒəns] 美 [ɪnˈtɛlədʒəns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 智力, 情报, 信息
[医] 智力

n. the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
n. a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
n. secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)
n. the operation of gathering information about an enemy


1. An intelligence created it an extremely intelligent intelligence.

它绝对是智慧物种的创造 而且是一个极度发达的智慧物种

2. You would think intelligence would count for something in the intelligence business.

你会觉得在情报行业里 情报是很重要的

3. Without intelligence, solid intelligence, we would be sailing right into an ambush.

如果得不得情报 可靠的情报 我们可能会步入埋伏

4. Having you embedded in the *uggling business was the most intelligent thing intelligence ever did.

让你打入贩卖人口行业内部 是情报部门做过的最明智的事

5. With all your intelligence, you're most likely aroused by someone for whom that intelligence means nothing.

你那么聪明 却更可能被 毫不在意智商的人激发*

6. And that can be substantiated by human intelligence, signal intelligence and cyber forensics.

这点可以通过人员谍报 通讯情报和网络取证得到证实

7. We like to think we're the most intelligent species on the planet, but we have to be careful about what exactly we mean by intelligence.

我们总是觉得 我们是这个星球上最聪明的物种 但到底怎样才算"聪明" 这问题我们得小心回答

8. An intelligent machine is a machine which can do something which, until the machine did it, was regarded as the perquisite of intelligent man.

如果机器做到了一件此前人们认为 只有智慧人类能做到的事 那么这样的机器就会被视为智能机器

9. This is the idea that your intelligence is not an abstract free intelligence, but tied very much to having a body and in particular to having a human body.

这个观点的意思是说 智能并不是一种抽象的自由智能 而是和躯体紧紧联系在一起的 特别是和人类的躯体

10. Allow my intelligence and law enforcement agencies access to whatever intelligence your security people have on these separatists.

允许我们情报机构和执法部门 获得你们的安全部门关于那些*份子的情报
