
音标: 英 [keɪpt] 美 [keɪpt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 披斗篷的

v lie at the top of
v restrict the number or amount of


1. She was a superhero without the cape wigs maybe but but no capes.

她是不爱披风的英雄 假发可以有 但就不爱披风

2. So it doesn't really matter what color cape a matador waves, it's the cape's movement that elicits an aggressive charge response.

所以斗牛士挥舞什么颜色的布并不重要 是布的摇动 引起了进攻性反应

3. But you capes, you don't have what it takes.

但你是正义之士 你根本杀不下手

4. Once this cape is gone, our time's up.

斗篷一旦消失 就来不及了

5. This is my campaign cape. I'm trying it out.

是我的竞选斗篷 我正在试穿

6. And it's a no on the cape. I think it's cool.

不要披披风 我觉得很酷

7. Do you like capes? I have a collection.

你喜欢斗篷吗 我有一整套收藏

8. A cape aids with aerodynamics, I should have thought of that.

斗篷于空气动力学有益 我早该想到的

9. He'll be the only one still wearing a cape.

