
音标: 英 [mә'nu:vәrәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 操作灵活的, 有机动性的

s. capable of maneuvering or changing position


1. I can't slow down without losing maneuverability.


2. On this side of that coast, he'll always be faster, more maneuverable.

在海岸线这一边 他速度肯定会比我们快 也更灵活

3. Once they hit the freeway or the hills, they're too maneuverable on those bikes.

一旦他们上了高速或者盘山公路 就更容易跑了

4. At 4 knots, we'll have almost no maneuverability to evade.

速度4节之下 我们几乎没能力避开

5. While lattice, or grid fins, are improve maneuverability.

这些格子 或者网状鳍 增强了机动性

6. We can't lock on to it, and we don't have a shuttle maneuverable enough to navigate the ring.

我们无法锁定它 也没有穿梭机 能够灵活地导航环绕

7. But the piedish beetle's armor does has its disadvantage it's not what you might call maneuverable.

然而圆盘甲虫的装甲 也有它的不足之处 它缺乏人们所说的机动性

8. For the locals these ingenious low cost crafts are light weight and maneuverable.

对本地人来说 这些设计独特的低成本船只 分量轻巧 行动灵活

9. I mean,she'll never be able to pull off anything complex, like combat maneuverability weapons control.

我是说 她还没有进行一些复杂的动作 比如战斗机动 控制武器之类的

10. It is completely maneuverable and has an adjustable yield, so you can choose whether to destroy a *all city or just a couple of blocks.

它机动性极强 并可调节威力 所以你既可以选择摧毁一座小型城市 也可以只摧毁几个街区
