
音标: 英 ['hæʃi:ʃ] 美 ['hæʃi:ʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 大麻麻醉剂
[化] (印度)大麻; (印度)大麻浸膏

n. purified resinous extract of the hemp plant; used as a hallucinogen


1. We can't destroy the hashish. It's all we got.

我们不能销毁大麻 我们手头只有这个了

2. You gave me a chance with the hashish and I *ed that up.

你给过我机会用大麻做交易 我却搞砸了

3. That hashish is gonna be used as our collateral for the upcoming fight.

那些大麻将被用作 我们在下场拳赛的抵押

4. Not to mention the ten pounds of hashish we got strapped to our backs.

更別提我們背上 還背著十磅的大麻

5. Not to mention the 10 pounds of hashish we got strapped to our backs.

更別提我們背上還背著 十磅的大麻

6. Anyway, he brought this far out purple hashish you gotta come try.

无所谓了 他带来了超赞的印度大麻 你可一定得试试

7. Find all the milk you can and just drink it because this hashish you're on right now, it's a lot.

喝掉所有你能找到的的牛奶 因为你在嗑的大麻 劲很足

8. They filled it with expired medical supplies and took it to village to trade with the warlords for hashish.

他们用救护车装过期的医疗补给 带到村子里跟军阀换大麻

9. If you lose, not only is all the hashish mine, but I'm gonna want a good amount of cold hard cash on top.

如果你们输了 不仅大麻归我 我还要一大笔现金

10. I must admit to a fondness for any wellappointed opium den, and a bit of hashish goes well with just about anything.

我必须承认我喜欢设备完善的鸦片馆 再来一点点印度大麻 就什么烦恼都没有了
