
音标: 英 ['hʌndrədfəʊld] 美 ['hʌndrədˌfoʊld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 百倍的
adv. 百倍地
n. 百倍

r. by a factor of one hundred


1. Our situation here, gonna be multiplied a hundredfold through the ship.

我们是这样的情况 外面的情况肯定会比这更糟

2. But with a drop of water, it grows back a hundredfold.

但只要有一滴水 它就会长出百倍

3. If you give them respect, it comes back to you a hundredfold.

如果你给予他们尊重 你会得到百倍的回报

4. I would amplify it a hundredfold and bear it for you every day of what remains of my life.

哪怕这痛苦放大一百倍 我也愿用余生去替你承受

5. I can name you a hundredfold the number of mistakes that will be made by human doctors of the same order of magnitude.

我都能给你找到 人类医生犯下的数百个 同一级别的错误
