
音标: 英 [ˈgɒdˌpeərənt, -ˌpær-] 美 [ˈɡɑdˌpɛrənt, -ˌpær-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 教父或教母

n. a person who sponsors someone (the godchild) at baptism


1. I would like for you to be his godparents.


2. Yeah, that one and the other one over there are the godparents.

这妞 跟那边那妞 是这孩子的干妈

3. She would need spiritual counseling first and then godparents.

首先她需要精神辅导 还需要教父母

4. All right, well, I'll be in my booth working on my godparent list.

好啦 我去我的卡座坐了 继续弄我的干爹妈列表

5. And all this time, we've been looking for the perfect couple to be godparents, and they're right under our noses.

一直以来 我们在寻找完美的一对 给我们孩子当干爹妈 而她们就在我们眼皮底下

6. Ok, can I just get the godparents now please.


7. The choice of godparent for a royal offspring, even an illegitimate one, is more than an honor.

选择王室后代的教父母 就算是私生子 也是莫大的荣耀

8. Oleg, if she thinks she can fire my godparents and use my kettle bells, then I'm calling off the bapti*.

奥列格 要是她觉得她有资格炒了干妈 乱用我的举重壶铃 那我要取消洗礼

9. Garcia, she asked me about a week ago, who the godparents were gonna be, as in, hello, like I'm right here, like right in front of you.

加西亚 一周前问我 孩子的教父母是谁 就好像在说 选我选我 我就在你面前

10. Yvonne wants to go ahead without, only the young lad who's in charge says that though he personally is very relaxed about it, the church does tend to insist on a full complement of godparents.

伊冯想就不用教父了 但是那个年轻牧师说虽然 他对此并不在意 但是教堂往往会坚持 一定要找到教父母
