
音标: 英 [ˌlu:mɪˈnesns] 美 [ˌluməˈnɛsəns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 无热光, 冷光, 发冷光
[化] 发光; 冷光

n. light not due to incandescence; occurs at low temperatures
n. light from nonthermal sources


1. Such luminescence should not be taken from us this way.


2. It's a kind of luminescent, which means it glows in the presence of blood.

是一种发光剂 遇到血迹就会发光

3. I gotta take more scrapings from the bones to *yze for luminescence.


4. Luminescent beetle grubs that live in the mounds have now burrowed to the surface.

居住在蚁丘中的萤光甲虫的幼虫 纷纷钻到了蚁丘表面

5. Maybe string a bunch of test tubes together, fill them with luminescent liquids.

或许把一堆试管捆在一起 灌满发光的液体

6. She acquires, as she grows, little luminescent bacteria, and she keeps them, cultures them, and grows them, and that's what she uses to make her lights.

在生长过程中 她会获得一种发光细菌 她留下它们 栽培它们 养育它们 她正是利用它们发光的

7. One after another like a glaze slowly building the image, like pentimento, letting the luminescence emerge until it's done.

像釉一样一层覆一层地勾勒整幅画面 就像旧画翻新 让光泽显现 直到完成
