
音标: 英 [tʃu:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 咀嚼, 咬( chew的过去式和过去分词 ); (因为紧张等)咬住, 不停地啃, (为尝味道)不停地咀嚼

v chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth


1. Just keep it in your mouth and keep chewing, chewing, chewing.

把饼干留在嘴里 继续嚼 不停地嚼

2. During dinner, I could tune out the cacophony of chewing, slurping, chewing, cutlery scraping against plates, chewing, and my father's heavy breathing as he wrestled with a ketchup bottle.

在晚餐时 我通常可以忽略刺耳的咀嚼声 吸食声 咀嚼声 餐具摩擦盘子声 咀嚼声 以及我父亲那 拍打番茄酱罐时的沉重呼吸声

3. I came here to prank and chew gum, and we're not allowed to chew gum.

我是来恶作剧加嚼口香糖的 我们不能嚼口香糖

4. Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum, I hate the most.

口香糖真是恶心 口香糖是我最讨厌的

5. I don't want to see people get shot up, chewed up, and chewing up the rest.

我不想看着我的人被打死 被撕碎 再去咬其他人

6. You should, uh, you should chew on that for a while.

你应该 你应该好好考虑下

7. There's so much to chew on under here.


8. I can't hear you over all the kale chewing.

她一直在嚼甘蓝 我听不见你说话

9. That's why you chew gum to mask it.

所以你才嚼口香糖 为了掩盖味道

10. Chew on that while I get some cigars.

我去拿雪茄 你好好想想
