
词组 spouse

■ spouse

指“配偶”,妻子或丈夫都可以(后面的 -se 发[s]音)。如果前头加个字母 e-,成为 espouse(后面的 -se 发[z]音),就成了及物动词,原意也是“娶…为妻子”,但这个意义已经陈旧,现代的转义是“信奉”、“拥护”某一主张(属表示延续状态的第一类动词)。

  • Both candidates espouse democratic ideals.两位候选人都信奉民主理想。
  • Say that you will espouse my cause. (Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Gods of Mars)你说一声你参加我们的事业吧。
  • In effect, the principles and goals of change and diversity that Clinton has espoused for so long are now embodied in a more compelling way by someone else. (US News & World Report, May 19, 2008, p.16)其实,(希拉里·)克林顿这么长期以来所一直信奉的变革和多样化原则和目标,现在却竟然确确凿凿地体现在别人身上。
  • ... Americans have elected a generation of political leaders espousing the wonder-working power of free markets... (US News & World Report, April 21, 2008, p.45)…美国人曾经选出了整整一代的信奉自由市场神奇威力的政治领袖们…

