
单词 fell
释义 fell pt of fall1. fell adj 1 (arch 古) fierce; destructive 凶猛的; 毁灭性的. 2 (idm 习语) at one fell swoop in a single deadly action 狠狠地一下子. fell n stretch of bare rocky moorland or hilly land in northern England (英格兰北部的)荒野, 沼泽地     the Lakeland Fells 莱克兰荒野. fell v [Tn] 1 cut down (a tree) 砍伐(树木). 2 knock down (sb) with a blow 击倒, 打倒(某人)     He felled his enemy with a single blow. 他一拳就把敌人打倒了.

