
音标: 英 [tes'tɪkjələ(r)] 美 [tɛˈstɪkjəlɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 睾丸的, 睾丸状的
[医] 睾丸的

a. of or involving the testes


1. It's an ambitious plan with testicular heft, I'll give you that.

我只能说 这是一项非常有雄心的计划

2. He got something even better testicular manhood.

但他获得了更宝贵的东西 男子气概

3. The survival rate for testicular cancer has been about five percent.

*癌的幸存比列 大概是百分之五

4. With the right testicular configuration, you can hide all kinds of things under there.

只要把蛋蛋摆对地方 这下面能藏各种东西

5. I thought you were gonna tell me it was something important, like a testicular cancer scare.

我还以为你会给我什么重要的理由 比如去检查*癌

6. And I wanna find the cure for testicular cancer and learn how to make a perfect vodka gimlet.

我还想找到治愈*癌 和做出完美伏特加琴蕾的办法呢
