
音标: 英 ['frɒθɪŋ] 美 ['frɒθɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 起泡
[医] 起沫, 起泡

v become bubbly or frothy or foaming
v make froth or foam and become bubbly
v exude or expel foam
s producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease


1. So, there is no froth, at all, for anybody.

所以每个人 都没有奶泡了

2. Gilbert, stop working yourself into a froth.

吉爾伯特 別讓自己過於緊張

3. I'm a tinkerer. I tinker. In between frothing milk.

我就像修補匠 一個不稱職的修補匠

4. Burst capillaries and pink froth in the airway.

毛细血管突起 呼吸气道有白沫

5. Yes, foam, froth, you get the point.

对啊 管它泡沫还是白沫 反正你懂的

6. That's semi skimmed he's frothing, not man milk.

他用来打泡的是半脱脂牛奶 不是*

7. Do not let that frothing piece of lady meat out of your sight.


8. We've got muscle tremors, frothing from the mouth, confusion.

它肌肉抽搐 口吐白沫 神志不清

9. All this froth, it's all prime example of "watch the birdie" politics.

所有這一切 只不過是"看着小鳥"策略的基本範例

10. I guess you needed our people frothing at the mouth, angry at humans.

我猜你是想让我们的人恼羞成怒 迁怒于人类
