
音标: 英 [ˈkɒbləstəun] 美 [ˈkɑbəlˌston]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 圆石, 鹅卵石

n rectangular paving stone with curved top; once used to make roads
v pave with cobblestones


1. When you walk down those winding cobblestone streets.


2. And I am going to find a cobblestone street.


3. They all went round to the back alley, cobblestones.

她们都进了那条后巷 是用鹅卵石铺成的

4. This barricade is made of more than just cobblestones and bedsteads.

这个街垒不仅仅是用 石块和床架建成的

5. And we just made the transition from regular road to cobblestones.

我们刚从普通马路 开到鹅卵石路上了

6. Every time I look at it, I can feel the cobblestones.

每次我看到这幅画 都会想起脚踩鹅卵石的感觉

7. Your shoes are loud on the cobblestones, and when you stop, it sounds as though someone else has stopped.

在鹅卵石路面上走路声响很大 而且当你停下来的时候 听起来就好像那人也停下了脚步一样

8. Walk 20 paces due west, and you'll see a cobblestone that's darker than the ones around it.

向正西走二十步 你会看到一块 比周围石头都暗的鹅卵石

9. It's used to set, among other things, cobblestones like the ones in some of your famous little streets around here.

这是很多东西的粘合剂 包括鹅卵石 就像你们这里某些著名小街上铺的那种鹅卵石

10. Every cobblestone path I walked, every rickety stairwell I climbed, the parks, the tunnels now it's all gone.

我走过的每一条鹅卵石路 爬过的每一座摇晃的楼梯井 那些公园 隧道... 现在都没有了
