
音标: 英 [prɪ'sɪpɪˌteɪtlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 猛进地

r at breakneck speed


1. I think we both acted emotionally and precipitously.

我们都过为感情用事 鲁莽轻率了

2. It dropped precipitously in the '90s and through the 2000s.

在90年代和21世紀 犯罪率驟降

3. We need to head into those areas with the most precipitation.


4. We wouldn't have damaged anything if you hadn't precipitated the battle.

如果你们没有挑起战争 我们就不会损坏任何东西

5. She has a subdural empyema she could decline precipitously.

她有硬膜下积脓 她的情况随时可能恶化

6. It also foretells a 15% chance of precipitation.


7. Then she got a promotion, and her reviews dropped off precipitously.

后来得到晋升 评价却急转直下

8. Bring her down slowly, don't want to precipitate withdrawal.

慢慢让她脱离药物依赖 不要迅速停药

9. General, the idea's to avoid panic, not precipitate it.

将军 我们的目的是避免恐慌 而不是火上浇油

10. The battle on the surface is what precipitated the battle in orbit.

地面上的交火 引发了轨道上的战斗
