
音标: 英 [ˌəʊvər'ɔ:l] 美 [ˈovɚˌrɔl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 全部的, 全体的, 从头至尾的, 一切在内的
adv. 从头到尾, 总的说来
n. 罩衫, 工作服

n. (usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)
n. a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
s. involving only main features
s. including everything


1. So I'm gonna need everyone to work a little bit harder since our overall sales are slightly down, which is ironic since our sales of overalls are slightly up.

我需要大家工作再努力一点点 因为我们的销售总额有点下降 但好笑的是我们的工装裤销量却上升了

2. Maybe not in that moment, but overall.

虽然在那一刻不是 但总的来说是骄傲的

3. I mean, a few bugs here and there, but overall, they love it.

虽然有几个漏洞 但总体来说 他们都很喜欢

4. They raised the overall. 75 over five.

全都提高了 5年7500万

5. My overall score is less, it's less than it was.

我的总体成绩是差 还不如之前那个

6. Overall, they've lost about 18 kilograms up here.

总的来说 全新的座舱设计减掉了大概18千克的重量

7. But you're still not considering overall motive.


8. I sent an accomplice into your office in overalls.


9. to the barefoot hobo in the broken overalls.

给这位穿破工装裤 光脚丫的兄弟
