
单词 并拢
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adduct〕To draw inward toward the median axis of the body or toward an adjacent part or limb.使内收,使并拢:内收至身体的中枢或至相邻部位、四肢美国传统〔attention〕A military posture, with the body erect, eyes to the front, arms at the sides, and heels together.立正姿势:一种军人的姿势,身体直立,目视前方,手臂置于身体两侧,脚跟并拢美国传统〔click〕The soldier gave a click of his heels as he saluted.士兵敬礼的时候脚后跟咔嚓一声并拢剑桥高阶〔click〕Vogel clicked his heels (=hit the heels of his shoes together) and bowed.沃格尔后脚跟咔嗒一声并拢,鞠了个躬。朗文当代〔heel〕The officer clicked his heels together and saluted.军官咔嗒一声并拢脚跟,敬了个礼。牛津搭配〔indent〕To cut or tear (a document with two or more copies) along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for establishing authenticity.用骑缝线割开:把(一张有两份或两份以上抄本的文件的纸张)按犬牙状割开以备将来并拢验证文件的真伪美国传统〔modestly〕She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.她小心翼翼地在红帆布垫上坐下,膝盖矜持地并拢着。柯林斯高阶〔outward〕Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立。韦氏高阶〔squeeze〕His legs were squeezed together.他双腿紧紧并拢牛津搭配〔tighten〕Her fingers tightened unconsciously with every jolt she received.她每受一次颠簸,她的手指都会无意识地并拢牛津搭配〔turnout〕The rotation of a dancer's legs from the hip sockets in classical ballet.外开性:古典芭蕾中舞蹈演员两脚外开,脚跟并拢,两脚呈直线的姿式美国传统Soldiers click their heels (=bring them sharply together) when they stand to attention.士兵们立正时两脚跟喀嚓一声并拢剑桥国际The soldier gave a click of his heels as he saluted the Queen.士兵两脚并拢喀嚓一声向女皇敬礼。剑桥国际

