
单词 年满
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bar Mitzvah〕The Bar Mitzvah takes place the first Shabbat after the boy reaches 13.受诫礼在男孩年满13岁后的首个安息日举行。外研社新世纪〔VOTE〕The franchise was later extended to any person over 18 years old. 选举权后来扩大到所有年满18岁的人。朗文写作活用〔adulthood〕People in England legally reach adulthood at 18.在英国,年满18岁的人为法定成人。剑桥高阶〔at least〕You must be at least 21 years of age to enter.年满21周岁者方能人内。韦氏高阶〔commencement〕All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course.所有申请人需年满16周岁才能开始上这门课程。外研社新世纪〔commencement〕All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course.申请修读这门课程者至少要年满16岁。柯林斯高阶〔drivable〕You can't drive until you're 18 years old.年满18岁才允许领驾驶执照。21世纪英汉〔eligible〕Over 500,000 18-year-olds will become eligible to vote this year.今年会有超过 50 万年满 18 岁的人有资格参加投票。朗文当代〔enter〕The competition is free, and anyone over the age of 18 can enter.本次竞赛不收参赛费,任何年满18周岁的人士都可参加。麦克米伦高阶〔may〕Any two persons may marry in Scotland provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.在苏格兰,如果双方均年满16岁就可以结婚。柯林斯高阶〔must〕Candidates must be over 18 years of age.候选人必须年满18岁。外研社新世纪〔need〕You need to be over 18 to be able to vote.你必须年满18岁才能投票。麦克米伦高阶〔payable〕State pensions become payable to women at age 60.国家养老金支付给年满 60 岁的女性。朗文当代〔qualify〕To qualify for the contest, you must be at least 18 years old.要获得参赛资格,必须年满18周岁。韦氏高阶〔right〕The government extended voting rights to everyone over the age of 18.政府把投票权扩展到年满 18 岁以上的所有人。牛津搭配〔sex〕In this zone, prostitution is legal, but sex workers must be at least 18.这个区域卖淫合法,但是性工作者必须年满 18 岁。牛津搭配〔stipulation〕The only stipulation is that candidates must be over the age of 35.唯一的规定是候选人必须年满35岁。剑桥高阶〔trusted〕The money will be put in trust until she is 18.钱会交付他人托管,直到她年满 18 岁。柯林斯高阶〔trust〕The money will be put in trust until she is 18.这笔钱将受他人托管, 直到她年满18岁。外研社新世纪〔turn〕She turned 18 last year.她去年满18岁。剑桥高阶〔you〕You have to be 21 or over to buy alcohol in Florida.在佛罗里达,必须年满 21 岁才能买酒。朗文当代In 1918 the suffragists won the franchise for UK women over the age of 29. 1918 年主张妇女参政者为年满29岁的英国妇女赢得了公民选举权。剑桥国际In that country, people get the vote at the age of 18. 在那个国家,人们年满十八岁获得选举权。译典通The money will be held in trust until she is 18.在她年满 18 岁之前,这笔钱委托他人代管。牛津商务

