
单词 年少
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LESS〕There were far fewer women at the conference this year than last. 今年参加会议的女性比去年少多了。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕We've had much less rain this year than last year. 我们今年雨水比去年少多了。朗文写作活用〔NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETC〕Each one of us, however old or however young, is a valuable member of society. 我们中的每个人,不管年老年少,都是社会的有用人才。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Many up-and-coming young players have trials for the national football team. 许多年少有为的球员都会参加国家足球队的选拔赛。朗文写作活用〔be down〕Unemployment figures are down this year compared with last year.今年失业人数比去年少21世纪英汉〔be in the first flush of〕He's no longer in the first flush of youth.他已不再青春年少剑桥高阶〔bean〕We were young and full of beans.我们青春年少,精力无限。韦氏高阶〔boyishly〕His appearance is boyishly youthful.他看上去青春年少外研社新世纪〔consume〕As a teenager she consumed literature eagerly.年少的她对文学作品如痴如醉。外研社新世纪〔effect〕In effect, we'll be earning less than we were last year.实际上,我们挣钱会比去年少朗文当代〔elasticity〕With the elasticity of youth she quickly recovered.由于具有青春年少时期的那种开朗情绪,她很快就恢复过来了。英汉大词典〔exuberant〕Young and exuberant, he symbolizes Italy's new vitality.青春年少、意气风发,他代表了意大利朝气蓬勃的新生力量。剑桥高阶〔fanatical〕As a boy he was a fanatical patriot.年少时,他是个狂热的爱国者。柯林斯高阶〔first〕He was no longer in the first flush of youth.他已不再青春年少朗文当代〔get into〕He got into a lot of trouble when he was a teenager.年少时,他就麻烦不断。韦氏高阶〔jailbait〕A person below the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse can constitute statutory rape.祸水妞儿,未成年少女:指其小于同意年龄、一经与之发生性关系即在法律上构成强奸的女人美国传统〔juvenility〕The quality or condition of being juvenile; youthfulness.年少:年轻的特性或状态;青年特性美国传统〔less and less〕I seem to save less and less each year.我存的钱似乎一年比一年少韦氏高阶〔less and less〕We see less and less of them each year.我们见他们的次数一年比一年少韦氏高阶〔less and less〕We see them less and less each year. = We see them less and less frequently/often each year.我们见他们的次数一年比一年少韦氏高阶〔less〕I seem to save less each year.我存的钱似乎一年比一年少韦氏高阶〔less〕The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year.公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。英汉大词典〔man〕He had served the company man and boy for thirty five years.他从年少时就为这家公司服务, 已经35年了。外研社新世纪〔megalomania〕Early success may lead to megalomania.年少得志可能导致妄想自大狂。文馨英汉〔minor〕Chiefly British Relating to or being the junior or younger of two pupils with the same surname.【多用于英国】 较年少的:指同姓的两个学生中年级较低或年龄较小的或与之有关的美国传统〔nick〕I nicked a couple of cars when I was younger.我年少时曾偷过几辆车。韦氏高阶〔pitted〕He'd had bad acne as a youth and his face was pitted (= marked) with pockmarks.他年少时长过很多粉刺,脸上留下了麻点。剑桥高阶〔public〕His public had dwindled over the years.他的支持者一年比一年少外研社新世纪〔realism〕The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism.之前年少时对理想抱负怀有的一腔热情很快便被现实浇灭。柯林斯高阶〔realism〕Youthful enthusiasm soon changed to realism.年少时的一腔热情很快就变成务实精神。外研社新世纪〔romantic〕He talked romantically of the past and his youth.他情深意切地谈论着往昔和他的年少时光。牛津高阶〔salad〕The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。柯林斯高阶〔schoolboy〕He recalled that he had a schoolboy crush on her (= liked her very much when he was a schoolboy).他记得年少时曾经对她心动。剑桥高阶〔sex〕He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl.他被判定与一名未成年少女发生非法性行为。牛津搭配〔spike〕As a teenager, I spiked my hair and bleached it with peroxide.年少时我曾将头发弄得尖尖的, 再用过氧化物将其漂白。外研社新世纪〔underage〕He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was underage.他因和未成年少女发生性关系而被起诉。剑桥高阶〔unhappiness〕There was a lot of unhappiness in my adolescence.年少时我经历过很多不愉快。柯林斯高阶〔whisper〕Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。柯林斯高阶As a young boy he suffered from eczema.他年少时得过湿疹。剑桥国际Fewer foreign exhibitors took part in the fair this year.参加今年交易会的外国展商比去年少牛津商务It's hilarious watching him try to flirt with women half his age.瞧他想和比自己年少一半的女子调情,真是好笑极了。剑桥国际

