
单词 位高
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENERGETIC〕You have to be bursting with energy and health to do the top jobs, so they usually go to younger men. 职位高的工作需要充沛的精力和健康的身体,所以一般是由年纪较轻的男性得到。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Vogel, a high-ranking official in East Berlin, was one of the Cold War's most shadowy figures. 沃格尔,东柏林的一位高级官员,是冷战时期最神秘的人物之一。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Technically I'm senior to Smith, but we do more or less the same job. 严格地说,我比史密斯职位高,但我们几乎做相同的工作。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Achym family had friends in high places, including the powerful Lord Burghley, and were allowed to return. 阿奇姆一家有位高权重的朋友,包括伯利勋爵,所以获准回来。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Assassins, in cahoots with the army, were sent to kill two top members of the parliament. 他们与军队串通,派了刺客去杀害两位高级议会成员。朗文写作活用〔above〕Look at the people above you in the positions of power and see what type of characters they are.审视一下权位高于你的那些人,看他们具有哪种类型的性格。柯林斯高阶〔accept〕The government has accepted the resignation of a senior army commander.政府已接受一位高级陆军指挥官的辞呈。朗文当代〔accordance〕We will implore and beseech God for the accordance of grace to this magnificent benefactor.我们乞求上帝赐恩惠于这位高尚的捐助者。外研社新世纪〔against〕It's against my beliefs/principles to be nice to someone I dislike just because they're in a senior position.对于我厌恶的人,我不会仅仅因为他比我职位高就对其和颜悦色,这有违我的处世原则。剑桥高阶〔air strike〕A senior defence official said last night that they would continue the air strikes.一位高级国防官员昨晚说他们将继续实施空中打击。柯林斯高阶〔allure〕He is too easily allured by people of high social, political, and economic status.他很容易被那些社会地位、政治地位和经济地位高的人吸引。外研社新世纪〔also〕His father, also a top-ranking officer, had perished during the war.他的父亲,也是位高级军官,在战争中牺牲了。柯林斯高阶〔amid〕A senior leader cancelled a trip to Britain yesterday amid growing signs of a possible political crisis.爆发政治危机的迹象日趋明显,一位高级领导人昨天取消了预定的英国之行。柯林斯高阶〔august〕Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.尊贵的:因年龄或地位高等原因而受人尊敬的美国传统〔bribe〕He was accused of bribing a senior bank official.他被控向一位高级银行官员行贿。外研社新世纪〔cabin crew〕He was assured by a senior member of the cabin crew that there definitely was not an emergency.一位高级乘务人员向他保证绝对没有发生紧急情况。柯林斯高阶〔call on〕One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign.肯尼亚一位高级宗教人士要求政府下台。柯林斯高阶〔clairvoyant〕She went to see a clairvoyant who said he could communicate with her dead husband.她去见了一位高人,那人自称能和她死去的丈夫交谈。剑桥高阶〔come〕A tall woman in black was coming across the lawn.一位高个子的黑衣女子正穿过草地走过来。麦克米伦高阶〔coordinate〕A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.大使馆的一位高级官员正在协调各方为释放俘虏所作的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔coryphée〕A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of the corps de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.芭蕾舞演员:一个芭蕾舞蹈演员,其地位高于芭蕾群舞中的一员,低于独舞者,在小组中表演美国传统〔crew〕Apart from the ten officers, a crew of 90 takes care of the 300 passengers.除了这10位高级官员,还有90名船员为300名乘客服务。剑桥高阶〔curule〕Privileged to sit in a curule chair; of superior rank.职位高的:有权坐象牙椅的;等级高的美国传统〔dignitary〕A person of high rank or position.职位高的人:有高官或地位的人美国传统〔dignity〕Archaic A dignitary.【古语】 职位高的人美国传统〔direction〕They work under the direction of a senior manager.他们在一位高级主管的指导下工作。牛津搭配〔draw〕Her eyes were immediately drawn to the tall blond man standing at the bar.她的注意力立即被吧台旁站着的一位高个头的金发男子吸引住了。剑桥高阶〔ear〕He claimed to have the ear of several top ministers.他声称能让几位高级部长听取他的意见。朗文当代〔elder〕Superior to another or others, as in rank.资格较老的,地位较高的:比另一人或另些人地位高的,如在职衔上美国传统〔eminence〕A person of high station or great achievements.高位者:地位高或有杰出成就的人美国传统〔excite〕The statement excited new speculation that a senior official may be about to resign.这项声明又引发了新一轮的猜测,大家猜想一位高级部长或许马上就要辞职。剑桥高阶〔fabricate〕Eleven key officials were hanged on fabricated charges.11位高官因莫须有的罪名被处以绞刑。柯林斯高阶〔force〕Bill was a senior police officer, who joined the force back in 1982.比尔是一位高级警官,他早在1982年就加入了警察队伍。麦克米伦高阶〔grand〕She's a grand old lady.她是一位高贵的老妇人。外研社新世纪〔half〕She is the better singer by half.她是一位高明得多的歌手。英汉大词典〔handsome〕Her dream is to be whisked off her feet by a tall, dark, handsome stranger.她梦想自己被一位高大黝黑的英俊陌生男子迷得神魂颠倒。剑桥高阶〔here〕He raised his glass. 'Here's to neighbors.'.他举起杯子: “各位高邻,干了这杯!”柯林斯高阶〔high-toned〕Intellectually, morally, or socially superior.高尚的:知识水平、道德情操或社会地位高美国传统〔highbrow〕Highbrow critics claimed that the programme was 'too sophisticated' to appeal to most viewers.品位高雅的评论家们声称这个节目“过于深奥”, 对大多数观众没有吸引力。外研社新世纪〔highbrow〕Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was 'too sophisticated' to appeal to most viewers.品位高雅的批评家们轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”,对多数观众没有吸引力。柯林斯高阶〔higher-up〕One who has a rank, position, or status superior to others.上司:军衔、职位或地位高于其他人的人美国传统〔highly〕According to one highly placed source, the prime minister had threatened to resign over this issue.据一位高级官员透露,首相曾威胁说会因这个问题而辞职。剑桥高阶〔high〕He has friends in high places(= among people of power and influence).他有位高权重的朋友。牛津高阶〔high〕Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?政府中有没有哪位高层人物支持采取不同政策?外研社新世纪〔high〕You've offended somebody very high up.你得罪了某位高层人物。柯林斯高阶〔hold〕A senior army officer was held hostage for four months.一位高级军官被扣为人质达四个月。朗文当代〔hypertensive〕A person with or susceptible to hypertension.高血压患者;易于罹患高血压者:一位高血压或是容易罹患高血压的人美国传统〔imagine〕I imagine him as a distinguished old gentleman.我把他想象成一位高贵的老绅士。麦克米伦高阶〔king〕Executives lived like kings. The top 31 executives were paid a total of $14.2 million.高管们过着阔绰的生活。职位最高的31位高管的薪金总额为1,420万美元。外研社新世纪〔lord〕Used as a title for certain high officials and dignitaries.阁下,大人:用作某些高官和地位高的人的头衔美国传统〔major〕Sarazen became the first golfer to win all four majors.萨拉岑成为了首位高尔夫四大满贯赛冠军。柯林斯高阶〔mud flat〕Low-lying muddy land that is covered at high tide and exposed at low tide.潮泥滩:在水位高涨时被淹没、水退去即露出来低洼的泥地美国传统〔official〕A company official responded to our request.公司的一位高级职员回复了我们的请求。韦氏高阶〔official〕She interviewed a senior official from the previous administration.她采访了前政府的一位高官。韦氏高阶〔outspokenness〕His outspokenness has ensured that he has at least one senior enemy within the BBC hierarchy.他的坦率直言已经使得他和英国广播公司内部的至少一位高层树了敌。柯林斯高阶〔outspokenness〕His outspokenness has ensured that he has at least one senior enemy within the BBC hierarchy.他的直言不讳使得他和英国广播公司领导层至少一位高管树了敌。外研社新世纪〔over〕A senior manager showed us over the factory.一位高级经理领我们参观了整个工厂。麦克米伦高阶〔over〕The director presides over the meeting. There is no one over him in the department.董事主持会议。在这个部门没有人比他职位高美国传统〔part〕She's got a new high-powered job, and she's certainly dressing the part.她找到一份位高权重的新工作,当然穿得符合自己的身份。朗文当代〔place〕He had friends in high places.他有一些位高权重的朋友。外研社新世纪〔play〕The two golfers were tied at the start of play yesterday.昨天比赛一开始两位高尔夫球选手打成平手。韦氏高阶〔precedence〕The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence.客人严格按照地位高低就座。牛津搭配〔precedence〕They were received by the king in order of precedence.他们按地位高低顺序受到国王的接见。麦克米伦高阶〔precede〕A Senator precedes a Representative.参议员地位高于众议员。英汉大词典〔present〕Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.莎士比亚把主人公表现成一位高尚却注定要犯错的人。朗文当代〔primacy〕Civil law took primacy over religious law.民法地位高于宗教法。韦氏高阶〔proceedings〕Disciplinary proceedings are to be taken against two senior police officers.两位高级警务人员将受到纪律处分。外研社新世纪〔publishing〕I had a very high-powered job in publishing.我曾在出版业位高权重。外研社新世纪〔quarter〕That night, together with a high official, I was quartered with a farmer.那天晚上,我和一位高级官员一起住在一个农民家里。英汉大词典〔rating〕The school has got a good academic rating.这所学校学术地位高英汉大词典〔revolt〕The prime minister only reacted when three of his senior cabinet colleagues revolted and resigned in protest on Friday night.直到周五晚上首相的3位高级内阁同僚倒戈并辞职以示抗议时,首相才有所反应。柯林斯高阶〔scorn〕Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.几位高官相当公开地对和平谈判表示出不屑。柯林斯高阶〔seniority〕The state of being older than another or others or higher in rank than another or others.长辈,上级:比另一个人或其它人年长或地位高的状态美国传统〔senior〕The position had to be filled by an officer senior to Haig.这个位置必须由一个职位高于黑格的官员来担任。柯林斯高阶〔station〕He had married above his station.他娶了比自己地位高的女人。韦氏高阶〔stranger〕She said that I would meet a tall dark stranger.她说我将会遇见一位高个子、黑皮肤的陌生人。牛津搭配〔swear by〕You should swear by Anna who's a good lawyer.你应该信任安娜,她是一位高明的律师。21世纪英汉〔testify〕A senior officer testified to the existence of police hit squads.一位高级官员证实了警方暗杀队的存在。牛津搭配〔water gauge〕An instrument indicating the level of water, as in a boiler, tank, reservoir, or stream.水位表:显示水位高度的仪器,装在锅炉、水箱、贮水池或流水中美国传统〔work down〕Manufacturers can start in the premium sector and then work down.厂商可以先定位高端客户, 然后逐步扩展客户群体。外研社新世纪A duchess ranks (= has a position) above a marchioness in social importance.从社会地位上看,女公爵的地位高于女侯爵。剑桥国际A senior official said the company had been considering a bid.一位高层说公司一直在考虑投标事宜。牛津商务According to one highly-placed source (=a person in an important position), the Prime Minister had threatened to resign over this issue.据一位高级官员透露,首相威胁说会因这场争端辞职。剑桥国际At high tide there was enough water to float the boats (off the rocks).潮位高时,水可以将船(从岩石上)漂起来。剑桥国际He felt that he should be treated with the respect (esp. Br and Aus) due to his/(esp. Am) due his senior position.他觉得自己地位高应该受到应有的尊重。剑桥国际He had the largest office for practical reasons, not because of his superior status.他的办公室最大不是因为他的职位高,而是因为一些实际原因。牛津商务He was a big, burly man.他是一位高大强壮的人。剑桥国际In the movie, a wicked stepmother acts as a foil to the noble young princess. 电影里,一位邪恶的继母衬托那位高贵的小公主。译典通It's against my beliefs / principles to be nice to someone I dislike just because they're in a senior position.只因为别人的地位高而对我所不喜欢的人好是违背我的信条/原则的。剑桥国际Several senior ministers will be at the meeting, to endorse the party's candidate in the by-election.几位高级部长将出席会议,认可补缺选举中的党的候选人。剑桥国际Several top executives have left the company.多位高层管理人员离开了公司。牛津商务The computer is proving to be a hard/tough sell (= difficult to sell) because of its high price.由于这种计算机的价位高,事实证明很难卖出去。剑桥国际The paintings had been produced by a clever art forger.这些画是由一位高超的艺术品伪造者仿制的。剑桥国际The statement excited new speculation that a senior minister may be about to resign.声明激起了人们对一位高级部长可能会辞职的新的推测。剑桥国际Two senior officials have been entrusted with organizing the auction.两位高级官员受托组织拍卖会。剑桥国际

