
单词 低频率
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bandpass filter〕A filter designed to transmit a particular band of electromagnetic frequencies while excluding those of higher or lower frequencies.带通滤波片,带通滤波器:用来传送特定电磁频率(不包括较高或较低频率)带的滤波器美国传统〔fundamental〕Of or relating to the component of lowest frequency of a periodic wave or quantity.基波的:周期波或周期量的最低频率的分力的或与此有关的美国传统〔fundamental〕Of or relating to the lowest possible frequency of a vibrating element or system.震动因素或体系的最低频率美国传统〔fundamental〕Physics The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system.【物理学】 基频:周期变化量或振动系统的最低频率美国传统〔high-pass filter〕A filter designed to transmit electromagnetic frequencies above a certain value, while excluding those of a lower frequency.高频滤波器:一种设计用以传送电磁频率高于特定值的滤波器,并同时将低频率电磁波排除于外美国传统

