
单词 大影响
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕Her husband's perpetual jealousy strongly affected their marriage. 她丈夫没完没了的嫉妒大大影响了他们的婚姻。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕At first, the revolution had little impact on the lives of ordinary people. 起初,革命对于普通人的生活没有多大影响朗文写作活用〔Hillel〕Palestinian rabbi who greatly influenced the interpretation of Judaic law.希勒尔:巴勒斯坦的犹太教拉比,曾大大影响关于犹太教律法的解释美国传统〔INTELLIGENT〕The President's wife is often politically astute, ambitious and very influential in White House policy decisions. 这位总统夫人的政治触觉常很敏锐,雄心勃勃,在白宫的决策上有很大影响力。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Revelations about his financial dealings could change his election prospects dramatically. 将他金融交易的情况披露出来会大大影响到他当选的可能。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕Their refusal to obey UN regulations had a major effect on world opinion. 他们拒绝遵守联合国条例给世界舆论带来重大影响朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Any change in interest rates has important implications for most people's financial situation. 利率的任何变化都会对大部分人的经济状况带来重大影响朗文写作活用〔ability〕Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive.疲劳会大大影响你的驾驶能力。麦克米伦高阶〔appreciable〕The new regulations will not make an appreciable difference to most people.新的规定对大多数人将无大影响牛津高阶〔backwater〕Britain could become a political backwater with no serious influence in the world.英国可能成为一个在世界上没有重大影响的政治落后地区。外研社新世纪〔bear〕This information bears strongly on the matter under discussion.这消息对正在讨论中的事情产生很大影响21世纪英汉〔belief〕Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that what you look like makes much difference to your life.和人们一般的看法相反,没有证据表明面相对人生有多大影响柯林斯高阶〔belittle〕It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster.轻视这次灾难的巨大影响是毫无道理的。外研社新世纪〔be〕This discovery was to have a major effect on the treatment of heart disease.这一发现后来对心脏病的治疗产生了重大影响朗文当代〔calculate〕It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life.无法估计他对她的生活产生过多大影响牛津高阶〔clout〕He has a lot of clout within the party.他在党内有很大影响力。牛津搭配〔clout〕It is a system in which individual voters have more clout.这是选民拥有更大影响力的一种制度。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕The results of the election are of concern to us all.选举的结果对我们所有人都有重大影响剑桥高阶〔development〕He influenced the development of modern dance.他对现代舞的发展有很大影响牛津搭配〔difference〕Changing schools made a big difference to my life.转学对我的一生有着重大影响牛津高阶〔difference〕It will make a lot of difference to us if they win the election.如果他们赢得选举, 会对我们产生很大影响外研社新世纪〔difference〕The rain didn't make much difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响牛津高阶〔disproportionate〕The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size.该国在世界上的巨大影响力与其相对较小的面积有些不成比例。剑桥高阶〔dominate〕He has had a dominating influence in her life.他对她的生活产生了巨大影响韦氏高阶〔dramatic〕A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy.连续五年的干旱估计会对加利福尼亚的经济造成巨大影响外研社新世纪〔exercise on〕What others think exercises a great influence on most of us.别人的想法对我们大多数人产生很大影响21世纪英汉〔first〕The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.降息在加利福尼亚并未产生多大影响,原因有二。首先,银行仍然不敢放贷。柯林斯高阶〔formative〕International politics were a formative influence on the party.国际政治对该党具有重大影响朗文当代〔genius〕A person who has great influence over another.对其他人有巨大影响力的人美国传统〔given〕Climate has a great effect on the types of plants found in any given area.气候对于任何一个特定地区的植物种类都有很大影响韦氏高阶〔have〕Hutton's book had a major impact on public opinion in this country.赫顿的书对该国的舆论产生了重大影响麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕Our department has been badly hit by the cutbacks.我们部门因为经费削减而受到很大影响牛津搭配〔impact〕Her father's death impacted greatly on her childhood years.父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响牛津高阶〔impact〕The book had a huge impact when it first came out.这部书第一次出版时就产生了巨大影响韦氏高阶〔impact〕The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come.这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。柯林斯高阶〔impact〕The tax increase will impact low-income families the most.增加税收将对低收入家庭产生最大影响韦氏高阶〔impact〕You certainly made a big impact on Carter.你确实对卡特造成了很大影响牛津搭配〔influence〕His health problems had a big influence on his decision.他的健康问题对他的决定有很大影响韦氏高阶〔influence〕Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.凡·高对现代绘画的发展有着重大影响柯林斯高阶〔leverage〕They are determined to gain more political leverage.他们决心在政治上发挥更大影响牛津搭配〔loom〕America loomed large in Hashimoto's early life.美国对桥本的早年生活有很大影响麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕Advertising is a powerful medium.广告是具有强大影响力的传播媒介。朗文当代〔modern〕Marx still has much to say to the modern world.马克思对现代社会仍有很大影响外研社新世纪〔nonevent〕To their surprise, her resignation was a nonevent.令他们惊讶的是,她的辞职并没有产生很大影响韦氏高阶〔one-sidedly〕The impact fell far more heavily and one-sidedly on women.女性单方面受到了更大影响外研社新世纪〔pocketbook〕Voters don't all realize how much the results could affect their pocketbooks.并非所有的投票者都意识到了投票结果对他们的经济利益会有多大影响剑桥高阶〔precisely〕It is difficult to know precisely how much impact the changes will have.很难准确了解这些变化会造成多大影响朗文当代〔profound〕She was profoundly influenced by Schulz.她受到了舒尔茨的巨大影响麦克米伦高阶〔public〕Although not a public figure (=famous person ), he was a man of great influence.他虽然不是公众人物,但也是个有巨大影响的人物。朗文当代〔puny〕The farmer knows full well that his puny efforts cannot do much about the number of magpies in the whole of Scotland.这位农场主深知他的微弱之力不能对整个苏格兰喜鹊的数量产生多大影响外研社新世纪〔rain influence on〕His father's instruction rained influence on his behaviour.他父亲的教导对他的行为起了很大影响21世纪英汉〔react〕The machine building industry reacted upon the coal industry considerably.机器制造业对煤炭工业产生很大影响21世纪英汉〔repercussion〕Changes in the industry had major repercussions for the local community.该行业的变革对当地社区产生了重大影响牛津搭配〔reverberation〕The decision had reverberations that shook stock markets around the world.这项决定产生的巨大影响引起了全球股票市场的震荡。麦克米伦高阶〔reverberation〕This move is likely to have reverberations throughout the health service.这一举措很可能会在整个医疗卫生服务系统产生巨大影响剑桥高阶〔rock〕Their invention rocked the computer industry.他们的发明对计算机产业产生了重大影响韦氏高阶〔seminal〕Highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development.有重大影响的:以独创的方式产生巨大影响的;组成或提供进一步发展的基础的美国传统〔seminal〕This experience was to have a seminal influence on his own political development.这段经历后来对他政治上的发展具有重大影响英汉大词典〔shape〕The Greeks shaped the thinking of Western man.希腊人对西方人的思想产生了巨大影响外研社新世纪〔strongly〕His mother will strongly influence his choice of a wife when he grows up.当他长大时,他的母亲在他选择妻子这一问题上会对他有重大影响英汉大词典〔strong〕Such feelings may have a strong influence over your decisions.这种情感可能对你的决定有很大影响朗文当代〔teaching〕His teachings still exert a strong influence.他的教导仍在产生巨大影响英汉大词典〔throw〕The recent fire has thrown back production badly.最近一次火灾大大影响了生产。 英汉大词典〔thrust〕This has had a great influence on the broad thrust of social and economic policy.这对社会和经济政策的总方向已产生了很大影响英汉大词典〔vitally〕Today's decision will vitally affect the environment.今天的决定将会对环境造成重大影响麦克米伦高阶〔weigh〕Current economic hardships weigh heavily in young women's decisions to find salaried work.目前的经济困难大大影响着年轻妇女在寻找有薪水的工作时的决定。柯林斯高阶〔weigh〕This unfortunate experience will weigh heavily against further investment in the area.这次遗憾的经历将大大影响对这个地区的进一步投资。朗文当代A clean water supply played a large part in reducing mortality/the mortality rate.清洁水的供应对减少死亡率有巨大影响剑桥国际As a pathologist of considerable standing, his opinion will have a lot of influence.作为一名有相当名声的病理学家,他的意见有很大影响剑桥国际Her husband always did have a lot of influence over her.她丈夫的确总是对她有很大影响剑桥国际His teachings still exert a strong influence. 他的教导仍在产生巨大影响译典通In the 1980s, the organization came under the sway of (= became strongly influenced by) Christian fundamentalism.该组织在20世纪八十年代受到基督教原教旨主义的重大影响剑桥国际The Royal Family enjoys huge wealth and considerable influence.王室享有巨大财富和很大影响剑桥国际The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size.该国在世界上的巨大影响和它相对狭小的面积不相称。剑桥国际The deal will have a material impact on our results.这笔交易将会对我们的绩效产生重大影响牛津商务The drop in sales had a big impact on our bottom line.销售量下降对我们的损益表底线有很大影响牛津商务The financial crisis had a massive effect on the credit market.金融危机对信贷市场产生了巨大影响牛津商务The review's recommendations could have a big impact on many boardrooms.这次审查中提出的建议可能会对许多董事会决策产生很大影响牛津商务Western culture has been molded by the Bible. 西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响译典通

