
单词 我们应接不暇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deluge〕We have been deluged with applications for the job.申请这个工作的求职信使我们应接不暇牛津高阶〔deluge〕We've been deluged with (= have received a lot of) replies.纷至沓来的回信使我们应接不暇剑桥高阶〔inundate with〕We were inundated with requests for further information.要求提供进一步信息的人极多,我们应接不暇21世纪英汉〔inundate〕After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.节目播出之后,太多人要求提供详情,令我们应接不暇朗文当代〔inundate〕We have been inundated with offers of help.主动援助多得使我们应接不暇牛津高阶〔inundate〕We have been inundated with requests for help.求助申请多得让我们应接不暇剑桥高阶〔overwhelm〕We were overwhelmed by requests for information.各方的问讯使我们应接不暇牛津高阶〔overwhelm〕We were overwhelmed by the number of applications.申请书多得让我们应接不暇朗文当代〔sheer〕We were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work.单是工作量就让我们应接不暇麦克米伦高阶〔smother〕As soon as we arrived, we were smothered with invitations.我们一到,频繁的邀请使我们应接不暇英汉大词典〔swamp〕We've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.自从广告出来后,电话纷至沓来,我们应接不暇朗文当代We were deluged with inquiries. 询问使我们应接不暇译典通

