“wide margin”例句

单词 wide margin
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔carry〕The proposal carried by a wide margin.提案获得多数通过美国传统〔field〕She was leading/trailing the field by a wide margin.她在比赛中遥遥领先。韦氏高阶〔margin of error〕The British government estimates that its borrowing requirement this year could reach £150 billion, subject to a wide margin of error.政府预计今年借款将达1500亿英镑,此数额会有较大误差。剑桥高阶〔margin〕Leave a wide margin for your own notes.在页边留一个宽白边, 便于自己做笔记。外研社新世纪〔margin〕Sales predictions are open to wide margins of error.销售预测常常会有很大的偏差。牛津搭配〔margin〕These charges can carry prison terms of up to five years, though there's a wide margin of discretion.尽管量刑幅度很大,但是这些指控仍面临长达5年的刑期。柯林斯高阶〔margin〕They're a world-class team and it was no surprise that they won by such a wide margin.他们是世界一流水平的队伍,以如此大的分差赢得比赛不足为奇。朗文当代〔margin〕Use double spacing and wide margins to leave room for comments.用双倍行距和宽松的页边空白,这样可以有地方写评注。朗文当代〔outnumber〕Females outnumber males by a wide margin.女性人数大大超出男性。牛津搭配〔outpoll〕She outpolled her rival by a wide margin.她获得的票数远远超过对手美国传统〔ovation〕They had lost by a wide margin, but their supporters gave them a defiant loyal ovation.他们输得很惨, 但是忠实的支持者们还是无视对手向他们报以热烈的掌声。外研社新世纪〔ovation〕They had lost by a wide margin, but their supporters gave them a defiant, loyal ovation.他们以较大的差距败北,但支持者们还是给予了热烈的掌声,以示对对手的不服和对他们的忠诚。柯林斯高阶〔presidency〕She won the presidency by a wide margin.她以高额票数当选总统。剑桥高阶〔proposition〕He expects Proposition 12 to pass by a wide margin.他预计第12条修正议案会以绝对优势获得通过。韦氏高阶〔readable〕The page, with its large, readable type and wide margins, was designed to invite reading.书页上印有大而清晰的字体,两边留出宽绰的空白,意在吸引读者。英汉大词典〔space〕Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin.页边不要留太宽浪费版面。牛津高阶〔wide〕She won the election by a wide margin.她以巨大的差数在选举中获胜。麦克米伦高阶

