
单词 中队
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POSITION/RANK〕Four of the boys in Boy Scout Troop 611 reached the rank of Eagle Scout. 男童子军611中队的四名男孩升到了鹰徽童子军级别。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕A and B squadrons amalgamated into a single squadron. A中队和B中队合并成了一个中队朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The High School team were leading with 60 points. 高中队以60分领先。朗文写作活用〔account for〕In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.5月的头10天里我们中队至少报销了7架敌机。柯林斯高阶〔account for〕In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.五月的头十天, 我们中队至少摧毁了七架敌机。外研社新世纪〔base〕The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。21世纪英汉〔battery〕Abbr. btry.An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.缩写 btry.炮兵连,炮兵中队:部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连美国传统〔battle〕The squadron was getting ready for the coming battle.中队正在为即将到来的战役做好准备。牛津搭配〔captain〕A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief.警察局副巡官;消防队中队长:警察局消防队的辖区指挥官,通常级别高于中尉,低于警长(或队长)美国传统〔command〕In 1942 he took command of 108 Squadron.1942年,他是108飞行中队的指挥官。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕The squadron was far under complement.这支中队缺编严重。英汉大词典〔detach〕I proposed detaching a squadron to seize the island.我建议派一个中队占领该岛。麦克米伦高阶〔eleven〕One squadron lost twelve pilots, and the other lost eleven.一个中队失去了12名飞行员, 另一个中队失去了11名。外研社新世纪〔flagship〕A ship that carries a fleet or squadron commander and bears the commander's flag.旗舰:装有舰队或海军中队指挥官并悬有指挥官旗帜的船只美国传统〔flight〕A number of aircraft in the U.S. Air Force forming a subdivision of a squadron.飞行小队:组成美国空军中队分队的一批飞机美国传统〔flotilla〕A U.S. Navy organizational unit of two or more squadrons of small warships.舰队小组:下辖两个或两个以上中队的小的美国海军驱逐舰队美国传统〔group〕A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing.空军大队:美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队美国传统〔group〕The main formations of the R.A.F. are the flight, the squadron, the wing and the group.英国皇家空军的主要编队有小队、中队、联队和大队。英汉大词典〔manipular〕Of or relating to an ancient Roman maniple.步兵中队的:古罗马步兵支队的或与之有关的美国传统〔mission〕The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission.这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。牛津高阶〔mop〕We mopped the floor with the team from Pomona High.我们把波莫纳高中队打得落花流水。朗文当代〔pass out〕He passed out in November 1924 and was posted to No 24 Squadron.他于1924年11月毕业,被派往空军第24中队柯林斯高阶〔pass out〕He passed out in November 1924 and was posted to No. 24 Squadron.他于1924年11月从军校毕业, 被分配至第24中队服役。外研社新世纪〔post〕He was then posted to 22 Squadron.当时他被派驻到22骑兵中队麦克米伦高阶〔readiness〕Four tactical air squadrons were placed at readiness for an air strike.4个战术空军中队被置于空袭准备状态。英汉大词典〔retire〕Aircraft were fighting, retiring, fighting again — with the twenty-two squadrons fully engaged.飞机起飞参战,撤回后再次起飞参战——22个飞行中队全部投入了战斗。英汉大词典〔second-in-command〕He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron.他被派遣到香港任C中队的副队长。柯林斯高阶〔shirtfront〕Shortly after I joined the squadron, I was shirt fronted by a bad-tempered officer.在我加入中队后不久,就被一名脾气暴躁的军官施以威胁。剑桥高阶〔squadron〕A basic tactical air force unit, subordinate to a group and consisting of two or more flights.飞行中队:隶属于团的基本空军作战单位,包括两个或多个飞行小队美国传统〔squadron〕A naval unit consisting of two or more divisions of a fleet.中队:包括两个或多个舰队分队的海军作战单位美国传统〔squadron〕An armored cavalry unit subordinate to a regiment and consisting of two or more troops.骑兵中队:隶属于团的武装骑兵单位,包括两支或多支骑兵队美国传统〔squadron〕The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes.政府曾称正在筹建一个由18架“幻影”战斗机组成的空军中队外研社新世纪〔squadron〕The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes.政府称其正筹建一个由18架“幻影”战斗机组成的空军中队柯林斯高阶〔sustenance〕The camaraderie that came with membership of a fighter squadron appears to have provided a degree of spiritual sustenance.同属一个飞行中队产生的战友情似乎在一定程度上成了精神支柱。外研社新世纪〔tactically〕U.S. tactical air fighter squadrons.美国战术空中战斗机中队柯林斯高阶〔tactical〕US tactical air fighter squadrons美国战术战斗机中队外研社新世纪〔track〕The squadron will track north by northeast for 40 miles.中队将向北偏东北前进40英里。韦氏高阶〔weathered〕The squadron is weathered in because of dense fog. Such a storm will weather the fleet in.那个中队因浓雾而无法行动。这样的暴风雨将阻止舰队的行动美国传统Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron.两名死者都被认出是第15中队的。剑桥国际The nerve center of the Customs Service's squadron of antidrug patrol planes is in Oklahoma City.海关反毒品巡逻飞机中队的指挥中心在奥克拉荷马城。剑桥国际The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。译典通They belonged to the same scout troop.他们属于同一童子军中队剑桥国际

