
单词 为限
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔R〕The board wanted to rate the film R.委员会要把那部影片列为限制级。英汉大词典〔adult〕The film is rated R for language and adult themes.这部影片因为语言和成人题材而被定为限制级。朗文当代〔cut〕You're allowed four cuts per semester.一学期旷课以 4 次为限英汉大词典〔ineligible〕The author was ineligible for an anthology limited to American authors.这位作家没能被选入一本仅以美国作家为限的诗文选集。英汉大词典〔inning〕Baseball One of nine divisions or periods of a regulation game, in which each team has a turn at bat as limited by three outs.【棒球】 一局:循环比赛中九局中的一局,其间每个队都有一次以三次出局为限的击球机会美国传统〔pressure〕Management is under pressure to set an example on pay restraint.资方受到压力,被要求为限薪作出表率。牛津搭配〔rating〕The film got an R rating.这部电影被定为限制级。外研社新世纪〔set〕His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。外研社新世纪〔subject matter〕The movie has been rated 'R' due to adult subject matter.这部影片因其成人题材而被列为限制级。朗文当代He defended the strictures on freedom of expression as a necessary evil during a period of tremendous political instability.他为限制言论自由进行辩护,认为这是在政治不稳定时期不可能避免的坏事。剑桥国际The screening process for political refugees has been criticized by human rights organisations for being too restrictive.政治避难者的审查程序因为限制性太强而受到人权组织的批评。剑桥国际This drink can only help you to lose weight as a part of a calorie-controlled diet.这种饮料只能作为限制卡路里饮食疗法的一部分来帮你减肥。剑桥国际Three-quarters of the 672 doctors interviewed claimed to have fewer than four drinks a week and 12% said they were teetotal.接受采访的672位医生中有四分之三主张每周喝酒以四杯为限,12%说他们是主张绝对戒酒的。剑桥国际

