
单词 举过头顶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFT〕Lori raised her arms over her head. 洛莉把双手举过头顶朗文写作活用〔above〕He lifted his hands above his head.他将双手举过头顶柯林斯高阶〔above〕He put his hands above his head.他将双手举过头顶外研社新世纪〔above〕He raised his arms above his head.他将手臂举过头顶韦氏高阶〔above〕He waved the letter excitedly above his head.他兴奋地把信举过头顶挥舞着。剑桥高阶〔ceremoniously〕He entered the dining-room with his creation and ceremoniously held it upside-down over his head.他带着作品走进餐厅, 还煞有介事地把它倒着举过头顶外研社新世纪〔grenade〕She was holding the grenade above her head, ready to throw.她握着手榴弹,举过头顶,准备扔出去。牛津搭配〔hold〕She picked up the trophy and held it over her head.她拿起奖杯,举过头顶韦氏高阶〔jerk〕Sports A lift in which the weight is heaved overhead from shoulder height with a quick motion.【体育运动】 挺举:一种将重物以很快的速度从肩上举过头顶的体育运动美国传统〔lift〕He stood, legs apart, arms lifted above his head.他站着,两腿分开,胳膊举过头顶牛津搭配〔loosen up〕She swung her arms above her head to loosen up.她将双臂举过头顶并来回摆臂, 做准备活动。外研社新世纪〔raise〕He raised the box above his head.他把箱子举过头顶朗文当代〔raise〕Raise your arms above your head.把双臂举过头顶韦氏高阶〔snatch〕Sports A lift in weightlifting in which the weight is raised in one uninterrupted motion from the floor to a position over the lifter's head.【体育运动】 抓举:用一个快速连贯的动作一下子将杠铃从地板举过头顶的举重形式美国传统〔stretch〕She woke up and stretched her arms above her head.她醒了过来,将胳膊举过头顶韦氏高阶〔up〕He raised the child up above his head, which she seemed to enjoy.他把孩子举过头顶,她似乎很喜欢他这样。麦克米伦高阶For this exercise you need to spread your arms out above your head.在这个练习中,你要伸出你的双臂举过头顶剑桥国际For this next exercise, straighten up (= make your body straight and vertical after bending) and lift your hands above your head.在下一个练习中,挺直身体把手举过头顶剑桥国际

