
单词 塞特
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕Somerset is famous for its rolling hills and beautiful countryside. 萨默塞特以平缓的山丘和美丽的乡村著名。朗文写作活用〔Dorset Horn〕A domestic sheep of a breed having large horns and medium-length, fine-textured wool.多塞特短毛有角羊:一种长角、体型中等、毛质优良的驯养羊美国传统〔Dorset〕A region of southwest England on the English Channel. Part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was used as the setting for many of Thomas Hardy's novels.多塞特:英格兰西南部地区,位于英吉利海峡之畔。盎格鲁-撒克逊王国之一韦塞克斯王国的一部分,被用作托马斯·哈代许多小说的背景美国传统〔LOOK AFTER〕We had a lovely time in Dorset. Susan looked after us very nicely. She's a wonderful cook. 我们在多塞特度过了一段美好的时光。苏珊把我们照顾得很好,她的菜做得好极了。朗文写作活用〔Lucite〕A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin employed in paints, enamels, and primers.卢塞特树脂:一种透明热塑料丙烯酸树脂的一个商标,这种树脂用于油漆、搪瓷、雷管中美国传统〔Narragansett Bay〕A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in eastern Rhode Island. There are many good harbors and resort areas along its shores.纳拉甘塞特海湾:东部罗得岛的大西洋一个深水湾。沿此海岸有许多好的海港和名胜地区美国传统〔Narragansett〕A member of this people.纳拉甘塞特族人美国传统〔Narragansett〕Any of a breed of small sturdy saddle horse developed in Rhode Island.纳拉甘塞特马:罗得岛上的一种强壮的小骑乘马美国传统〔Narragansett〕The Algonquian language of the Narragansett.纳拉甘塞特语:纳拉甘塞特族的阿尔贡金语美国传统〔OWN〕They stayed in a villa once owned by the writer, Somerset Maugham. 他们住在一幢别墅里,以前这别墅为作家萨默塞特·毛姆所拥有。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕This is the publishing company which brought the rights to Somerset Maugham's short stories. 是这家出版公司获得了萨默塞特·毛姆短篇小说的出版权。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Jenny has a place to study law at Exeter this year. 珍妮今年获埃克塞特大学录取读法律。朗文写作活用〔Silenus〕A satyr, usually depicted as drunken and jolly, in the entourage of Dionysus.赛利纳斯:跟随酒神狄俄尼索斯的塞特,通常描述为好酒和寻欢作乐美国传统〔Somerset Island〕An island of Northwest Territories, Canada, separated from Boothia Peninsula by a narrow strait.萨默塞特岛:加拿大西北地区的一岛屿,被一条狭窄的海峡从布斯亚半岛分开美国传统〔acclaimed〕Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.安吉拉·贝塞特凭借其出色的表演赢得了评论界的好评。柯林斯高阶〔acclaim〕Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.安吉拉•贝塞特凭借其出色的表演赢得了评论界的赞誉。外研社新世纪〔asymmetric〕Lisette came back from New York with a trendy asymmetric haircut.莉塞特从纽约归来,理了一个两边不对称的新潮发型。剑桥高阶〔coachload〕Dorset is as yet unspoilt by coachloads of tourists.多塞特还未遭到乘大巴而来的大批游客的破坏。外研社新世纪〔coachload〕Dorset is as yet unspoilt by coachloads of tourists.多塞特还未遭到大批游客的破坏。柯林斯高阶〔correct〕If my calculations are correct, we're about 10 miles from Exeter.如果我计算得没错的话,我们离埃克塞特大约十英里。朗文当代〔cottage〕We're staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset.我们住在多塞特的一个度假小别墅里。朗文当代〔county town〕We met in Dorchester, Dorset's bustling county town.我们在多塞特熙熙攘攘的郡首府多切斯特相遇。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕She's doing a degree at Exeter University.她正在埃克塞特大学攻读学位。麦克米伦高阶〔favourite〕Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, a favourite of King James I.罗伯特·卡尔——萨默塞特伯爵,国王詹姆斯一世的亲信柯林斯高阶〔favourite〕Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, a favourite of King James I萨默塞特伯爵罗伯特•卡尔, 詹姆斯一世的宠臣外研社新世纪〔fidelity〕Somerset Maugham's comedy of marital fidelity, "The Constant Wife" 萨默塞特‧毛姆关于婚姻忠诚的喜剧《忠实的妻子》剑桥高阶〔first〕She got a first in maths at Exeter.她在埃克塞特大学毕业,获数学一级优等学位。牛津高阶〔honorary〕She received an honorary doctorate from Exeter University in recognition of her work for the homeless.她被授予埃克塞特大学荣誉博士头衔,以表彰她为无家可归者所做的工作。剑桥高阶〔interdiction〕The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.国民托管组织已颁布禁令,禁止在多塞特、德文与康沃尔地区使用水上摩托艇。柯林斯高阶〔interdict〕The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall.国民托管组织已禁止在多塞特郡、德文郡和康沃尔郡使用水上摩托艇。外研社新世纪〔monster〕Perseus rescued Andromeda from the clutches of the sea monster Cetus.珀耳修斯从海怪塞特斯的魔爪中救出了安德洛墨达公主。外研社新世纪〔murder〕The murder was committed in Somerset over five years ago.这起谋杀是5年多以前在萨默塞特犯下的。麦克米伦高阶〔nest〕When their children had flown the nest, he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset.孩子们独立生活以后, 他和妻子搬到了多塞特的一处茅草屋居住。外研社新世纪〔nest〕When their children had flown the nest, he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset.孩子们独立生活后,他和妻子搬到多塞特的茅草屋去住了。柯林斯高阶〔pack〕W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说仍具有强烈的情感冲击力。柯林斯高阶〔point〕This setter can point pheasant extraordinarily well.这种塞特种猎犬能异常准确地以头指向山鸡所在的地点。21世纪英汉〔poisonous〕That poisonous bastard Lucett told Morris I was seeing his wife.那个搬弄是非的坏蛋卢塞特告诉莫里斯我在和他的妻子约会。朗文当代〔rejoin〕At Dorset Wharf go left to rejoin the river.在多塞特码头向左返回河道。柯林斯高阶〔strip〕Sunset Strip 森塞特商业街牛津高阶〔study〕Stephen is currently studying at Exeter University.斯蒂芬目前在埃克塞特大学学习。朗文当代〔trip〕It's an 80-mile round trip (=a journey to a place and back again) to Exeter.到埃克塞特往返有 80 英里。朗文当代〔tryout〕The recycling scheme gets its first try-out in rural Dorset.这些再循环方案在多塞特郡的农村地区首先试用。柯林斯高阶〔twin〕Exeter is twinned with Rennes.埃克塞特与雷恩结成了友好城市。外研社新世纪〔writing〕His writings on the history of art were published by Greenway and Settle.他有关艺术史的著作是由格林韦与塞特尔出版的。牛津搭配Chappell had played 98 first-class innings for Somerset before making his Test debut.查普尔在作为特斯特队队员第一次参赛之前已为萨默塞特队打了98局一流的比赛。剑桥国际Exeter is a cathedral city.艾克塞特是一座拥有大教堂的城市。剑桥国际Somerset police report that a third of all crimes are committed by people out on bail (= who have been released before going on trial).萨默塞特郡的警方声称三分之一的罪行都是那些在保释期的人犯下的。剑桥国际The competition was won by James Brown, a retired schoolmaster from Dorset.比赛由多塞特的一位退休教师詹姆斯·布朗获胜。剑桥国际The play was Somerset Maugham's 1920s comedy of marital fidelity, ‘The Constant Wife’.这是一部萨默塞特·毛姆于20世纪20年代写的关于婚姻忠诚的喜剧,名为《忠诚的妻子》。剑桥国际When they find an animal for a hunter, setters stand motionless with their noses pointing towards the animal.当塞特狗找到猎物时,就会一动不动地站着,并用鼻子指向那只动物所在的方位。剑桥国际

