
单词 娱乐的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The show blurs the difference between education and entertainment. 这个节目模糊了教育和娱乐的差别。朗文写作活用〔amuse〕To occupy in an agreeable, pleasing, or entertaining fashion.娱乐,消遣:以愉快、欢乐或娱乐的方式占有美国传统〔boundary〕The Internet has blurred the boundary between news and entertainment.因特网模糊了新闻与娱乐的界限。牛津搭配〔clown〕A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation.小丑,丑角:在马戏、戏剧或其它演出中通过玩笑、滑稽动作及骗局娱乐的小丑美国传统〔comical〕Provoking mirth or amusement; funny.喜剧的:引起欢笑或娱乐的;滑稽可笑的美国传统〔deadhead〕A person who uses a free ticket for admittance, accommodation, or entertainment.免费乘者:使用免费票出入、住宿和娱乐的美国传统〔diversion〕Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains.消遣:分散注意和放松或娱乐的美国传统〔entertainment〕Something that amuses, pleases, or diverts, especially a performance or show.娱乐表演,余兴节目:令人愉快,引入兴趣,使人娱乐的事物,尤指演出或表演美国传统〔eye candy〕Animation has stopped being eye candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment.动画早已不再是只能用来哄孩子和动漫迷们, 而成为了娱乐的主流。外研社新世纪〔family room〕A recreation room especially for the use of family members.家庭游艺室:尤指用于家庭成员娱乐的房间美国传统〔fleshpot〕Often fleshpots A district or an establishment offering sensual pleasures or entertainment. 常作 fleshpots 声色场所:提供肉欲享受或娱乐的区域或场所美国传统〔funfest〕A party or gathering for amusement.娱乐的晚会或聚会美国传统〔funny〕Intended or designed to amuse.滑稽有趣的:意欲引起的或设计用来娱乐的美国传统〔gold〕Disney remains the gold standard of family entertainment. () 迪士尼仍是家庭娱乐的黄金标准。牛津搭配〔hall〕A building for public gatherings or entertainments.娱乐中心:用于公众集会或娱乐的建筑物美国传统〔jaunt〕A short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure; an outing.短程游览或远足:通常为了娱乐的短程旅行或郊游;远足美国传统〔lyceum〕An organization sponsoring public programs and entertainment.组织公共活动和娱乐的社团美国传统〔magic〕The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring for entertainment.魔术,变戏法:用来娱乐的手耍花招或者戏法美国传统〔medium〕Radio was the medium for family entertainment before television.在电视出现之前收音机是家庭娱乐的媒介。麦克米伦高阶〔merry〕Archaic Delightful; entertaining.【古语】 令人高兴的;娱乐的美国传统〔middle-of-the-road〕Abbr. MOROf, relating to, or being a type of entertainment, especially popular music, that appeals to a wide audience.缩写 MOR为广大听众所喜爱的;不标新立异的:属于,关于或作为娱乐的一种形式的,特别是迎合广大听众的流行音乐的美国传统〔multimedia〕The combined use of several media, such as movies, slides, music, and lighting, especially for the purpose of education or entertainment.多媒体:多种媒体的联合使用,例如电影、幻灯片、音乐和照明的组合,尤其是出于教育或娱乐的目的美国传统〔piano bar〕A cocktail lounge featuring entertainment by a pianist.钢琴酒吧:有钢琴演奏助兴娱乐的酒吧间美国传统〔pier〕Such a structure used predominantly for entertainment.装饰墩:主要用于娱乐的那种结构美国传统〔set sth against sth〕The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax.出公差和因公娱乐的费用可以不纳税。剑桥高阶〔yacht〕Any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels, generally with smart, graceful lines, used for pleasure cruises or racing.游艇:一种用帆或电力驱动的小型船只,通常造型精巧、线条流畅,用以娱乐的巡游或比赛美国传统The annual budget that I have for my job includes an amount for travel and entertaining.我工作的年度预算包括旅游和娱乐的费用。剑桥国际The cost of business travel and entertainment can be set against tax (= can be recorded as an item on which tax does not have to be paid).出公差和娱乐的费用可以不纳税。剑桥国际The game shows are a curious mix of titillating soft porn and family entertainment.成人娱乐影片是令人亢奋而又非赤裸裸的性描写和家庭娱乐的奇特的混合。剑桥国际The park on the waterfront is a good place for rest and recreation. 这个滨水公园是休息和娱乐的好地方。译典通

